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Started with raghav and pallavi going into their room, Raghav was angry and ved saw him as he slammed the door, this made ved taught that his plan work. So as he was walking he reached his room, it wasn't far from Raghav room. He was about to closed the door when two people was passing by and they were talking about the cctv footage and that man who had spike the drinks, ved then heard this and he closed his door. He said to himself so that mean his plan fail and if they know someone spike their drinks will Raghav know that's me? Ved taught that to tarnish Raghav character plan has failed as he hit his hand on the wall. He then said so what if this plan fails as he smiled. He then call raghav and tell raghav to meet him and raghav then tell pallavi that ved wants to meet him and raghav went leaving pallavi in the room. After raghav left, pallavi is in the room and she heard a knock on the door and she taught that maybe raghav forget something as he just left so she open the door and she saw ved. She was about to close the door but ved put his foot and he goes in with a tissue in his hand and he put it on pallavi nose which made her faint. He then lift her on his shoulder as he takes a back track, while he was going he saw a camera and he saw the camera and he show his middle finger as he looked to the camera and smiled and he then went his way.
Meanwhile amrutha and farhad is sitting in a restaurant or a coffee place and they were talking with each other as they order what they want.
In Maldives Raghav didn't see ved so he went back to his room and he called for pallavi when he entered the room but pallavi didn't answer, he looked for her but didn't see her. He saw her phone on the bed but pallavi is missing. However Raghav then went down and check to see if pallavi is down but he saw his friend there, he went up to his friend and ask him if he saw pallavi anywhere around and his friend say no, what happened, is everything ok?. This make Raghav worried as pallavi tells him before she goes anywhere and this is Maldives she wouldn't go anywhere as she is new here. The owner then saw Raghav and called him and raghav goes, the owner then show Raghav the footage and they saw ved taking pallavi on his shoulder. Raghav phone then rings, it was a call from ved, ved tells him that if he want pallavi then he should come to this location as he send the location. Raghav then said ved but ved cut the call, and raghav then immediately left the hotel. His friend saw him running out of the hotel and was about to go with him but the owner then calls his friend.
In RR mansion Amma is with Keerthi and sunny and they are talking.
Episode ends 😊

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