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Started in RR mansion pallavi and Amma were in the kitchen and they were talking with each other and pallavi tell her that she will be going to deshmuk house as she gonna spend the day with Nikhil as he will be going to leave in a few days and Amma said okok but you have to come back soon and she said of course Amma as both of them smile.
At deshmuk house everyone is sitting and talking as to how they had a great time yesterday and then amrutha got a call from Farhad and she goes in her room and answer it and they were talking with each other. However Farhad was just about to go in RR mansion when raghav saw him and calls him in his office and he cut the call and went to the office. However in the office Farhad said Anna I have something to tell you about Anjali and raghav ask him what is it but before Farhad could start saying about Anjali he change the topic to some business thing as he spot sunny peeping them. Then Farhad phone rings it was a call from his bhabhi and he answer it and he said ok bhabhi, but then pallavi walks in the office and tell raghav that she is going to deshmuk house, hearing this Raghav ask if she is leaving him again and before she could say anything Farhad says let me drop you and they both went outside leaving Raghav thinking what got into Farhad and since when he want pallavi to go.
Meanwhile at deshmuk house Farhad arrive with pallavi and amrutha saw them and when pallavi goes inside,amrutha comes outside and met Farhad as Farhad message her that he have something to tell her. However Farhad tells her and when he finished she smile and said of course I will do it and then Farhad left and she went in.
At RR mansion Raghav, Keerthi, sunny and Amma was having their lunch but Raghav was playing with his food lost in some thoughts and isn't eating and Amma saw him and ask what happen and he said nothing. However Farhad comes in and Amma call him for lunch and he goes and sit and raghav was just looking at farhad and Farhad saw him and tell him to eat as he got some good news. Hearing this Keerthi is curious and ask if she can know also and hence Farhad say yah and he tell them that his bhabhi and raghav will be going at a party tonight. This made Raghav confused as to how pallavi could change so fast and he knows she is angry on him and what is Farhad saying now. He said but Farhad it's not possible as pallavi is angry on him and he bite his tongue as he blurt it out and Amma said what. Then Farhad said Amma, Anna is just kidding as this new suddenly came up na bhabhi didn't tell him and he laugh. Then Farhad signal Raghav to go in the office and they both went, Farhad then tell him 1 min as he went out and sunny said that he is going to the washroom and he call Anjali and told Anjali that pallavi is going out with raghav tonight and Anjali was shock and said what the hell but how and they continue talking but little did sunny know that someone was spying at him.
Episode ends 😊

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