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Started with raghav friend and his wife entering the hotel as Raghav and pallavi greet them and they then joins the party and was talking with each other. As it's a party there was music and people were dancing and ved was sitting in a corner but ved doesn't see Raghav them as yet. Raghav then said that he is going to the washroom where his friend then went behind him. Raghav knew that ved will definitely do something as ved knows they will be in the party and raghav knew that ved is somewhere around also. After a while raghav friend came out, he has dressed up as Raghav and he went up to pallavi and his wife whereas Raghav comes out with his friend clothes but Raghav isn't sure if this plan will work and make ved show himself as he have a feeling that this plan will fail and ved is going to do something but don't know what. Raghav then goes up to pallavi them and tells them to keep an eye and see if they can see ved as he show his friend ved photo.  Raghav then goes around the party looking to see if he could see ved but he didn't. However ved was sitting in a corner along with some men. Drinks was served to everyone and when the waiter give ved he refused but the waiter tells him that Raghav order him to give everyone, however ved took it but he didn't drink it. Ved look at everyone drinking it and he smiled as he had mix drugs in the drinks as his intentions is not only to hit raghav but also to tarnish Raghav character but Raghav didn't know about that, he thinks he is behind him only to hurt him. After everyone drinks it they all get high, even raghav them because they don't know that ved has mix drugs in it. Some people end up quarreling with each other and so on and then ved smiled as he goes from there.
It's morning and everyone woke up right there where the party is held as all was too high and they sleep right there. Even the hotel owner had drink it and sleeps away and when he woke up he saw the footage and saw what happen last night. The hotel owner then comes out and saw everyone there still and started blaming Raghav as so many party was held and this never happened before, that there is something in that drinks as everyone was high. Raghav then tell him that before blaming him he can check the footage to see what happen to the drinks then as Raghav didn't know anything about that. They then went and check the footage and they saw a man mixing something in the drinks, Raghav then tell them to zoom in and he recognized that it was ved. Episode ends 😊

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