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It's morning and started in RR mansion, pallavi woke up and she sat on the bed and she didn't see Raghav on the bed and when she look she saw Raghav coming out of the bathroom and raghav saw her and said saree ka dukan you're awake and she smiled. Raghav goes up to her and make her come out of the bed as he told her to go and shower as they will then go for breakfast and pallavi said ok ghamandi rao as she squeeze his nose and she was about to left but Raghav pulled her back and ask her if she will go just like that. Pallavi was confused and said what you mean and raghav kiss her on her cheek and tell her that is what he mean, pallavi then kissed him on his cheek and she went to fresh up.
At deshmuk house amrutha is with kaku in the kitchen as they are preparing breakfast. It was a no work day for her meaning she has no work. Then amrutha helps kaku to take the breakfast to the table.
At RR mansion Raghav and Farhad is in the office and they were talking. Farhad ask raghav if there is anything in his mind on how he will get Anjali to say the truth and raghav said don't have any specific plan but has something but not sure if it's gonna work but will try. Just then Harish comes in the office and raghav gives Harish Anjali photo and tell Harish to look for her and Harish said ok Anna. Raghav tell Farhad that in order to find the truth he has to find Anjali first na and they continue to talk.
At deshmuk house amrutha and aai was sitting and talking with each other.
At RR mansion pallavi comes in the office and she head them talking about Anjali and she said Anjali? as she went in but raghav changed the topic and sunny was passing by and he heard them and after a while pallavi comes out of the office and Farhad ask raghav why didn't he tell bhabhi about it and raghav said no, as he wanted to know the entire truth first then he will tell her. Raghav tell Harish to go on with the work that Raghav has given him and he walked out the office and the photo was in his hand and he puts it in his pocket but it falls off from his pocket and sunny saw the photo and he clicked a picture with his phone and then he goes up and gives Harish the photo and Harish puts it in his pocket. Sunny then gone out of RR mansion while raghav goes up to Harish and tells him not to tell anyone about this and Harish then went his way and raghav went back to his office.
Episode ends 😊

MEHNDI HAI RACHNE WALI S2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ