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Started in RR mansion Raghav is sitting on the bed with his computer on his lap, he didn't go in the office today lol as pallavi was setting up the wardrobe as it was not tidy, he was stealing glances of her while doing his work. However when pallavi finish and was walking pass raghav put his computer down and pulled her and she sit on the bed, he pulls her closer to him as she sit between his legs with her back rested on his chest and he wrapped his hand around her waist as he place his chin on her shoulder and they were talking. However Raghav phone rings and he answer it as he saw it was Amma and raghav and pallavi was fighting for the phone to talk with her when their hand accidentally hit the video button and the video comes on and they didn't know until raghav left pallavi to talk just then they realize their position and Amma who was smirking and smiling at them. Amma then say sorry to disturb you guys as she cut the call.
Meanwhile at deshmuk house kaku is in the kitchen preparing lunch with kaka helping her and were talking also.
At RR mansion pallavi sets up the dining table and went to the office for Raghav and she ask raghav if he isn't gonna eat and raghav said yah one minute and pallavi said ok, after one minute she said Raghav 1 min is over and raghav said 1 min more, pallavi went up and closed his computer and pulled him out as she knows he is irritating her and wasn't working as raghav was chuckling. Raghav then wrapped his hand around her waist as they headed to the table, where Farhad and amrutha was waiting for them as pallavi tells them to come over where Farhad collects amrutha. They then all sit and eat and was talking with each other, after lunch raghav helps pallavi take the dishes to the kitchen. Raghav then hugged her from behind and pallavi tell him Farhad is outside and he said so what he is with his girlfriend na as he smirk. He then place his face in the crook in her neck when amrutha came in and disturb them, amrutha said sorry but I just wanna tell you that I have to go now as I have to go back to work and she then left. Raghav then pulled pallavi as she was going to walk out the kitchen and she collided into him, she said same as we were doing but now no one should disturb us as they are gone. He place his face in the crook of her neck and give her some wet kisses, he was about to kiss her lips when she pushed him. Raghav said you're really a romance killer atleast one na, pallavi said mm not one but two, she bend down and take out her slippers and she laugh looking at Raghav expression and she then pulled Raghav and gave him a kiss on his lips which makes him shock but he kiss her back which he is smiling while kissing her as he pulls her closer.
At deshmuk house aai and baba was sitting and talking with each other when amrutha arrives and they saw her and tells her she is early and she said yah as her work is done and she then went and fresh up.
It's night and raghav was sitting on the bed shirtless as he was on his computer doing some work when he saw pallavi coming out of the bathroom and then she went Infront of the mirror combing her hair. He was just staring at her and smirk as he turned off his computer. (Maybe he has something in his mind😉)
Episode ends 😊

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