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It's morning and started in RR mansion, pallavi woke up and saw herself in the arms of Raghav and she smile and kiss his cheek and raghav who was already awake smile and pulled pallavi on top of him and he kissed her on her forehead and said good morning sweetheart as he hugs her a little tighter so she can't get away. She said good morning ghamandi rao and she saw him making a sad face and she ask him what's wrong and he said I call you a sweet name like sweetheart and you and your ghamandi rao. Pallavi said but that's what your name na as she giggles and he said Oho but I think you could have been a little romantic na as his tight on her looses as pallavi pinch him. She then get up and sit as she tie her hair and then she kissed his cheek and said Raghav was just looking at her and smile. Meanwhile Keerthi is in her room combing her hair and sunny woke up and saw her and he goes up to her and hugged her from behind and he ask where are you going and Keerthi said you forget already, it's back to work after so long and he said oh yah yah.
At deshmuk house amrutha is in her room and was readying and Farhad call her and she answer it and Farhad said that he will drop her today at work and will reach deshmuk house in a minute, so amrutha then smile and goes out of her room as she tells everyone she is going now and at the same time she saw farhad arrives and she went in as they tell each other good morning and they continue talking on their way.
In RR mansion everyone is sitting and are having their breakfast and Keerthi tells them that she is going now and raghav ask how is she going and sunny said that he will drop her and sunny and Keerthi went their way. (Btw pallavi and raghav didn't tell anyone about sunny and yah they might spy on him most likely hehe) However Farhad arrives at RR mansion and he tells Raghav that he has a meeting to arrive and raghav said yah he know as they call him earlier. Raghav then tell Amma and pallavi that he has a meeting and he and Farhad left.
At deshmuk house kaka, Nikhil and baba were playing ludo game while aai and kaku were talking with each other sitting on a couch. Nikhil tells kaka and baba that aai is calling them but they ignore him as they know it's one of his truck to cheat in the game. Baba tells Nikhil that his trick is old and wouldn't work no more and kaka laugh.
At RR mansion pallavi is in the kitchen and was preparing lunch when she got a call from krishna, they talked and as they were talking she tell krishna that it's been so long they met and so on and ask how is everything is the shop going. They continue to talk as pallavi puts the phone on speaker as she continue doing what she was doing. Meanwhile Amma was sitting on the couch and she decided to call aai and she called and aai and Amma was talking and Amma ask her if she remembers what's tomorrow and aai said yah and they continue talking with each other.
Episode ends 😊

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