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Started with raghav, his friend and their wife is sitting and having their lunch as Raghav friend wife had prepared some dishes for Raghav and pallavi specially.
Meanwhile in deshmuk house kaku goes up to aai and she ask aai what do you call an alligator in a vest, kaka then heard kaku and he shows aai a sign that she must not tell kaku. Aai tell kaku that Milind ask you this question and you have to find the answer as she smiled.
Raghav, his friend, pallavi and his friend wife was talking and as they were talking raghav friend tell Raghav that since he came in Maldives they hadn't taken anything together so Raghav has to have a lil drink with him today. His friend then got up and he went and bring a bottle of alcohol and a bottle of champagne along with 4 glass and something to eat and he puts them on the table. Raghav then ask him what's all this for and his friend tell him that he shouldn't ask questions as he already know what he meant. Then his friend pours the alcohol in 2 of the glass and the champagne in the other 2 glass. Raghav then look at pallavi and pallavi smiled as it's his friend and they meet after a long time. Raghav friend then gives Raghav a glass of alcohol and he took the other glass with alcohol while he give his wife and pallavi a glass of champagne each. Raghav tell him that he will not drink plenty as he have to go back to the hotel And his friend tell him no problem even he wouldn't drink plenty. They then continue talking with each other as they were drinking and having a good time. After a while raghav and pallavi got up and tell them that they gonna leave now and tell them they had a great time.
Meanwhile kaka saw kaku sitting on the bed and is thinking about his question and he decided to tell kaku as she would be thinking about it the whole night and wouldn't sleep. So he tell kaku that the answer is an investigator as he laugh. Kaku said ooh Milind u made me think about how can an alligator fit in a vest and kaka laugh and said u like it na and kaku said no u made my brain crack as I wouldn't have known it unless u tell me they continue to talk.
Raghav and pallavi reach to the hotel and in their room and they went and fresh up. (Btw Raghav wasn't drunk)
It's night and Farhad called amrutha as she didn't pick up the call in the morning as she was at work.
It's morning and raghav and pallavi finish packing up their things and then his friend arrives along with his wife and they then talked and then they put the luggage in the trunk and sit as his friend starting driving.
In deshmuk house everyone is sitting and having their breakfast and are talking with each other, then Mansi goes to work. Amrutha didn't go to work.
Episode ends 😊

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