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Started in RR mansion Raghav was coming out of his office and he saw pallavi coming that way and he pull pallavi in the office and she rest her back on the door, by the way the door was open. Raghav then puts his hand on the door as pallavi is in between his hand. Raghav then take his left hand and he set her hair as it was on her face and pallavi was just looking at him as she saw Raghav bringing his lips closer to hers but she pushed him and raghav then kiss her on her cheek. Just then Amma calls for Raghav and pallavi to come for dinner as dinner is ready but they didn't answer as they were busy staring at each other. Amma said maybe Raghav is still busy with his work and didn't hear her so she decided to go and call raghav but she saw Raghav and pallavi staring at each other and she turned around and went to call Keerthi and sunny. Then Raghav phone rings and this break their focus and he answer the call, it was farhad. Pallavi then went downstairs and raghav follow her as he is on the phone. Amma saw them and told them to sit and Farhad tell raghav that tomorrow he has a meeting in the afternoon (half day time) and they cut the call and they then went and sit as they began eating but sunny was just looking at Raghav and pallavi.
In deshmuk house amrutha and Mansi were talking with each other regarding their work at office.
It's night and sunny and Keerthi was laying in their bed and sunny was thinking something and Keerthi saw him and ask him what is he thinking and he said nothing and they continue talking. Meanwhile Raghav and pallavi was on their bed and raghav tell her that he has a meeting and pallavi tell him that his clothes need to be iron and she will do it tomorrow so that he will get it for his meeting and raghav tell pallavi to iron the blue suit as that's what he gonna wear and she smiles and they continue talking.
Meanwhile farhad is laying on his bed and is thinking about amrutha as to why she didn't call yet. He decided to call her but she didn't answer. He calls again and in deshmuk house amrutha phone was in her room and amrutha just comes in her room as she just finish her bath and she then answer the phone and she began talking with farhad. However kaka and kaku were laying on the bed and they were talking with each other.
Episode ends 😊

MEHNDI HAI RACHNE WALI S2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora