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It was night and started in deshmuk house amrutha is with kaku sitting in amrutha room and they were talking when kaka comes in and join them. However as they were talking amrutha phone rings, it was farhad and she cut the call and kaku ask her who calling and she said a friend and kaku tell her to talk to her but amrutha said no it's ok will talk later and they continue to talk.
Meanwhile in RR mansion Raghav and pallavi was sitting on the bed and they both were talking with each other about watching a movie on the computer as they don't wanna sleep as yet. So Raghav puts on the computer and he research for a Telugu movie but however pallavi wanted a Marathi or Hindi movie but Raghav wants a Telugu movie only. So they didn't get to select a movie as yet as they were quarreling with each other about language and raghav had the computer in his hand, pallavi then took the umbrella from his hand but Raghav took the computer back from pallavi. Pallavi said ok fine watch your Telugu movie as she lay on the bed, Raghav thought that she was hurt and he says to himself that after all they are husband and wife na, they should atleast like each other taste but me and Marathi as he makes a silly face. Pallavi is laying on the bed and also thinking about trying a Telugu movie as Raghav told her many times it's good but she said she wouldnt understand a word. However at the same time pallavi sit and she said Raghav, just then Raghav said pallavi. Pallavi tell him to play a Telugu movie as she will try watching one but with subtitles so that she can understand but raghav said no, let's play one of your choice but not Marathi, a Hindi film will do. They started fighting again but this time Raghav wants to see a Hindi film and pallavi wants to see a Telugu film. However Raghav said stop now as he look at the time and it was already late and pallavi said yah, pallavi said they can't see any movies now because of you ghamandi rao, Raghav said o hello how me?. Pallavi said you're fighting na, Raghav said oye saree ka dukan it was you not me, pallavi says you, and raghav said ok is me alone? , Pallavi says ok both of us, happy now ghamandi rao as she made a silly face. And raghav said yes saree ka dukan, they then lay down as they off the light and they went to sleep.
Meanwhile it was still night and amrutha cuts the call with farhad as she was talking with farhad, Farhad tells her good night and she should sleep as it's late because she have work tomorrow and amrutha smiles as she says good night sweet dreams Farhad.
Episode ends 😊

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