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It's night and started with farhad sitting on his bed and he was talking with amrutha on the phone and amrutha tell him that she will call him in 5 min and Farhad said ok as he cut the call. After 3 min the phone rings and Farhad answer the call and said "wow amrutha you're fast" but then it was Raghav and raghav said "Arey Farhad it's me Raghav, are you thinking about chipku ladki or something". Farhad said "oh Anna you, I taught" and raghav didn't let him continue and told him that tomorrow is the party and hope you remember" and Farhad said yah Anna. Raghav was about to cut the call but then asked Farhad if there is really nothing between he and amrutha and same time amrutha call and Farhad said no anna and the call cut abd Farhad then answer amrutha.
In RR mansion Keerthi and sunny is on their bed, Keerthi head was on sunny hand and they were talking with each other . Meanwhile Raghav is sitting on the bed and pallavi come out of the bathroom and she went and lock the door and she came and sit on the bed and she saw Raghav just staring at her. She ask raghav "what are you looking at ghamandi rao" and raghav said nothing I'm just admiring the love of my life" pallavi blush and she kiss him on his cheek and raghav said "only this side?", and pallavi kiss the other side of the cheek also and they smiled and then they went to sleep.
It's morning an in RR mansion pallavi was sleeping and she then open her eyes and she saw Raghav head on her stomach and he is sleeping like a cute little baby. Raghav then turned and pallavi rubs his head and she smiled and was looking at him and said "my ghamandi rao, looking cute as always, my baby". And raghav says "mm" as he opens his eyes and smile.
At deshmuk house kaku is in the kitchen preparing breakfast and kaka comes in and kaku said "Arey Milind be careful you're" just then kaku slide and fall to the ground And kaku said "walking". Kaku shouted ouch, kaku goes up to kaka and give him her hand so that he can hold her hand and get up and ask if he is ok. Amrutha and aai comes in and ask what happen And then kaku said that some water was on the floor and Milind slip and fall. They ask kaka if he is ok and he said yah but he is holding his back and said just a slight pain.
At RR mansion everyone is sitting and having their breakfast and they were talking with each other as they were eating.
At deshmuk house kaku is putting ice on kaka back and she ask him if he is ok now and he said yah fit and strong as they continue to talk.
Episode ends 😊

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