And sank it's fangs in.

It yanked with contained rage, sending her down as it tried yanking her hand off her wrist, shaking its head hard as it bite down with all its strength.

She flipped herself under her arm and looped her legs around the neck of the mutt, closing her eyes as she squeezed her legs together.

The beast snarled out out her nickname 'Athyyyy', making the tears fall as she refused to look at it, able to convince herself it wasn't Cato up until she jerked her legs too the side and grabbed it under one knee while with the other she put it on the shoulder and shoved, hearing a crack and it slumped over.

She sat up, pushing back from it, a choked sob coming through as she got too her knees and touched the dead body of her brother.

She killed him, fuck, she killed him.

She looked up at the camera and heard a quiet 'shlik', looking back forwards quickly but not seeing a body anymore.

She jerked in anger as she heard the door open, ready to beat a peacekeeper to death but.... In walked Cato?

The mutt looked exactly the same, was she going insane? Didn't she just kill him? How is he alive?!

She stood again as it sniffed the air as it dragged a chain wrapped around its throat.

"Athyy..." It growled just like the first did, in that distorted voice of her little brother.

Despite it all, what just happened and her mind spiraling.... She held her hand towards it.

But before anything else could be done, it made a dog bark and lunged, smelling blood.

She jumped aside, avoiding fang and claw but the chain snapped in her hand, by instinct she grabbed on it.

She braced her feet down on the ground as the mutt pulled the other way, her holding the chain with two hands doing some more damage too both of them but she didn't care, she had Cato, even if for a moment, she had her brother back.

But that moment would lapse and be gone.

The mutt launched and she looped the chain once more around the throat and kicking it down in the back, pulling on the chain, pulling a tight loop.

She bit her cheeks as tears spilt over, pulling harder, why was it taking so long?!!!

The mutt swung back only once and only left a cut on her leg, slowly suffocating it.

She dropped the chain once she was sure it wouldn't move and backed up, crumbling too her ass, staring at the body, having killed her brother a second time.

She covered her face with her hands, looking through the gaps left by her fingers.

She dropped her head, closing her eyes and hearing the same noise again, quickly looking up.

B-but the body was there! She is sure! She just saw it! She just did it! She just... Why? Why is he alive again? Why is her brother here again?

She shakily stood up, barely having the strength too as the mutt looked at her, tilting its head in wonder. She was truly going mad.

"AAAAAAAAAAH!!!!" And she screamed too the point no one would be surprised if she would have torn her vocal cords as that one charged at her because of the noise.


How many? How many times has she killed her brother? Or had she never done it? Had she finally lost it.

The mutt just looked at her as she swung at it, whimpering as she struck, white outfit, her skin, her fists, drenched in the bloody of the many mutts.

She was silently crying as she grabbed the head of this one and twisted it, silencing the distressing whimpers, it had only wanted her to protect him, never lifting a paw to attack.

She sat back, trembling, watching the body with hawk eyes, having realized that as long as she watched it, it was there.

If she kept watching it, she was sure it would be real.

Her eyes stung, Cato didn't attack her, he whimpered in fear, he wanted to be saved and what did she do? What did the big sister that should protect her little brother do? She killed him, he was looking for her love and she killed him.

She grabbed her face again, covering her eyes, willing the nightmare to start again.

Athena was going mad, she felt it.

There is nothing left that she can do but she still struggles in vain like an idiot!

She hates herself.... So so much.

She looked up, once again the mutt, her brother, her mad mind, once again alive.

She sat there, broken, offering her surrender, not reacting as it got closer.

Come on! Just one bite! And this is all finally over!

But it never came.

The mutt licking her face like a dog would as more tears dripped down her face.

She reached up, circling his neck with her massacred hands, too weak to squeeze or even lift them for long, falling back too her side.

"Athy..." The thing whispered.

And she just cried, cried like a little child, crying like she hadn't cried in a long long time.

.Stone And Lumber (Johanna Mason X F.OC).Where stories live. Discover now