Special One - Part 44

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Karan reaches at Teju's home and after waiting for few minutes, he takes out his phone and drops her a message.

"I am outside. Come outside." Karan texts Teju.

"Give me second. I will be out." Teju replies and after sometime she comes out.

She is wearing a simple suit salwar and looking super cute. But her face is pale. She seems weak and tired. Karan sees her. He wants to run towards her and hugs her but he stops himself. Teju comes and sits next to him.

"Hi" Karan says to Teju

"Hi" Teju replies and nods her head.

"Karan Sir, can you please stop the car in front of any pharmacist." Teju asks Karan. She know that Karan doesn't like when she calls him Sir specially when they are alone. But after yesterday argument Teju doesn't want to give in easily. Karan hears sir word and that pisses him off. He exactly know why Teju is doing this to him but he didn't say anything back.

"Why?" Karan asks Teju.

"I need to buy few things." Teju replies.

"Okay, tell me what you want? I will go and buy for you." Karan replies.

"No need Sir, girls stuff. You won't understand." Teju replies.

Karan stops the car in front of a pharmacy shop.

"I told you that I will get everything." Karan says and locks her inside the car.

Karan goes to the pharmacy shop and calls Teju.

"Now tell me what you want." Karan asks Teju on phone.

"Wohhh." Teju begin but Karan cuts her.

"Come on Teju, tell me what you want." Karan asks her again.

"Sanitary napkins, hot water bottle, pain killers, a tube for my ear and some bandages." She tells him and Karan asks the pharmacy lady. While talking on phone, Karan kept look at Teju from distance as the car is parked on the other side. The pharmacist notice that.

"You girlfriend is so lucky sir. You are buying all this for her. Otherwise, few men don't feel comfortable and always hesitate to buy all this." Pharmacist praises Karan. Karan nods at her but somewhere he has mixed feelings about pharmacist calling Teju as his girlfriend.

She start packing all the stuff. Karan picks up the few chocolates from the counter display and asks her to pack those as well. She again smile at Karan. She packs everything and after paying Karan was about to leave.

"I will pray for you two. You both makes a beautiful couple." The pharmacist says and Karan looks at her says thanks.

Karan sits in the car and handover the bag to Teju.

"Check if everything is there? I hope I didn't miss anything." Karan says to Teju.

Teju sneak in and smile little when she sees chocolates inside. Karan notices her cute smile and he also smile. He was missing her smile.

"I think you got some things extra things." Teju replies

"I thought those may make you feel better." Karan says while looking straight and he starts the drive.

They reaches to Karan's house. Karan quickly goes and open the door for her. Karan forwards his hand but Teju doesn't hold his hand and comes out.

"No need" Teju says and refuses his help.

"I thought you are not feeling well that's why I tried to help." Karan replies while closing the car door.

"I am alright. This happens every month. All girls are use to this. It do hurts a lot and only girls can endure this pain. But still we keep going." Teju replies and start walking inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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