Biggest Mistake and Lesson - Part 22

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Recap- Teju's Face off with Umar

Part 22

After having an argument with Umar, Teju reached to her cubicle and right that time SP Kundrra called her in his cabin.

Teju knocks on the door and enters.

"Teju, come in please. So, Teju as I already mentioned about your promotion to junior executive. I am thinking to announce on same day we are going to sign the papers, I mean on Saturday." SP Kundrra says to Teju.

Teju gets happy and says thank you Sir. Right at that moment Karan enters the cabin. He looks at Teju.

"Karan, what are you doing here?" SP Kundrra asks Karan.

Karan comes in and sits in front of his father.

"Papa, we arranged the party on Saturday and we need to prepare everything so we need someone who can take this responsibility along with Omi. Omi is good but I also want someone to help him." Karan tells the issue to his father.

SP Kundrra thinks for some time and then he says, "I think Teju can help him. Teju is best person to do the arrangements and I fully trust her."

Teju didn't have choice so she agrees to help.

"Papa but today we all can go out for dinner to celebrate. At least those people who were present in the meeting." Karan asks his father.

"I will be late for me but I will suggest you all should go and enjoy. And Teju, I know you will now give an excuse but you have to go that's my order. Karan, please take care of girls." SP Kundrra says.

Teju only agrees to go out as she didn't want Karan to feel that he still affects her.

Due to the new project, Karan and Teju works till late and today after work, the team is going for dinner.

Teju already informed at home and she told Adaa that she will call her when she is done with dinner so she can come to pick her up as it may get very late. (Adaa and Aneri still not aware about Karan and Teju working together)

Teju always keeps a spare dress with her as she is told by HR that at time she may need to attend a meeting or something else, so she should have a spare dress at work. Teju started getting ready around 8:30 and she was ready already ready by 9pm.

 Teju started getting ready around 8:30 and she was ready already ready by 9pm

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(Teju's Look)

(Teju's Look)

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