First Auto Ride and Weird Feelings - Part 6

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Recap- Karan and Teju met in front of Teju's office and started the first ride in auto.

Part 6

Teju was sitting on the left side of Karan. There was not much space in between them. Teju was squeezing herself as was trying to maintain the distance between them. Karan notices everything and he also moved away little bit.

"If you are feeling comfortable, I can get off and take cab from here. I guess from here it will be easy to get one." Karan asked Teju very politely.

Teju said awkwardly, "No no it's not like that, I just want to make sure that you are comfortable?"

Karan- Sorry, I thought you are not feeling comfortable with me.

The ride was quiet. Both of them were bit awkward. Karan was feeling bit weird doing this game and all and Teju was nervous.

After sometime Karan asked Teju, "You seems like a reserved person. Are you?"

Teju looked at Karan with bit hesitation and replied, "I am bit reserved or should I say I am only comfortable with my people. Like I take my time to know people and get close to them. I have very few but very special people in my life and I like it that way."

Tejasswi added, "Btw, my name is Tejasswi Prakash"

Karan said in excitement, "Nice name Tejasswi and Prakash both means light."

"I am Karan Singh" He introduced himself.

Karan didn't want to tell her last name because everybody knows Kundrra's.

Soon they reached at Tejasswi's house. She asked the driver for his share and Karan insisted her that he will pay but Teju wanted to pay for herself. Driver asked of 150 rupees and Teja had only 500 rupees note she didn't have change, then Karan again told Teju that he will pay as they found this auto because of her only so now it is his duty to pay.

Teju didn't has a choice other then taking help from Karan. She told Karan ok you can pay this time but next time it will be my turn.

After hearing next time Karan immediately asked her, "so, you mean we are meeting next time?"

After hearing that Teju got little embarrassed and replied, "no, I mean if you meet and get chance then I will be paying for you."

Karan smiled at her as he has an idea that she is being shy as her cheeks were red already. Karan adored her as she was looking extra pretty while blushing.

She got off and looked back at Karan and said bye to him. Karan smiled back at her and said bye to her. Teju went inside her house

After few more mins ride Karan asked driver to stop and paid the fare and he walks towards his car which was following them from their office. He sat in the car and driver drove him to the Kundrra's mansion.

Umar and Nishant were already waiting for Karan to know how was their first meeting? Did it go according to the plan?

Karan told everything to them. Umar wants Karan to rush the things and Karan was trying to make him understand that they had to take things slowly because Tejasswi is not like other girls. She is very reserved. She won't let anybody get in her inner circle that easily but him trying his best.

Umar wants to take his revenge super-fast. But Nishant and Karan made him understand everything and after that Umar was convinced.

Karan was in his deep thought and He asked Nishant and Umar, "Guys, I feel like I have heard Tejasswi Prakash name somewhere before also. I am trying so hard to remember but I really can't remember. Do any one of you remember anything?"

Nishant and Umar denied and said, "We don't remember anything Karan. Maybe you are thinking too much."

(There is a connection, you all will get to know about that soon)

At Tejasswi Place: -

Teju went home and after freshen up in her room. She came down to sit with his family. Teju was also bit lost in her thought today, when her mom tried to gain her attention.

"Are you okay Teju? You seem bit lost today. Are you thinking something?" She asked with bit concerned

"It's nothing like that Mom. I am just tired today." Teju replied.

Teju had her dinner with her family and moved to her bedroom. She was actually thinking about Karan. She finds him interesting but she was not sure why she is thinking about him. Later she just jerks off her thoughts and after doing her night routine, she went to her bed and fall sleep.

At Karan's Place: -

Karan just wants to get rid of this weird feel towards Teju. He was actually not fully aware about his feel and it is a very initial phase for him.

Just to avoid these feeling he asked Nishant and Umar if they want to go out clubbing. Both of them got agree to the plan. Karan just wants to go out and have fun. As being a play boy he just want a distraction that was the main reason he wanted to go out.

All three of them reached to the club and soon all three of them are on the dance floor. One girl is trying so hard to get close to Karan but for the first time Karan is not interested in the girl, so he moved from dance floor to the bar.

Nishant was noticing everything low-key. After enjoying their evening all of them went back to Karan's house, even Umar and Nishant stayed over at Karan's place. As soon as they all came back all of them went to their rooms and off to sleep. (Karan in his room and Nishant and Umar in guest room).

Precap- Teju and Karan's first bike ride. Exchanging phone numbers.

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Happy Sunday!

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