Getting Some Clarity - Part 20

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Recap- Teju is more focused to make her carrier. Teju is Karan's father new PA and now Karan and Teju both are going to work together on a joint project of Kundrra and Suneeta's Industries. 

Part 20

"Do you all know TEJASSWI?" SP Kundrra asks all of them. And now all of them in a fix to what to say. 

On the other side Teju is in complete shock and her heart is beating so fast that seems like everybody can hear her heart beat. She is still processing, but suddenly comes out of her thoughts when she hear Karan's voice.

Karan replies to his Father's question, "Yes Papa, Actually she prepared the presentation of Suneeta Industries when we were new in the business." Karan tries to handle the situation.

Teju hears "PAPA" from Karan's mouth and she understand that Karan is SP Kundrra's son. She also notice Umar and Nishant there now the picture is getting clear for her that why Karan has broken her heart and she understood the whole thing. Now the whole pain that she has gone through and still going through becomes more hurtful again for her.

After hearing that Karan already knows Teju, SP Kundrra got excited and says, "Wonderful, now you all already know why I was praising her. But still let me introduce her to all you again.

"This is Tejasswi Prakash and she is my new PA and soon to be the junior executive of this project. She will be the one you get in touch with for all kind of quarries and questions. She already started working on this project." SP Kunddra has all praise for Tejasswi.

"Come Teju take a seat." SP Kundrra called her asked her to take the seat besides him. And now she is in middle on Karan and SP Kundrra. Everybody sits down. Nishant and Umar both are looking at Karan and Karan is assuring them with his eyes that everything will be alright. Teju is sitting beside Karan and both of them can feel the intense tension. Teju is trying to sit straight and Karan is controlling his leg which is shaking (Whenever Karan gets nervous, his legs start shaking and Teju is aware about this). Teju can see him getting nervous. She is also conscious so she put all her hair on one side of her face (Karan's side) to hide her face from Karan. Karan notices that. Just then SP Kundrra starts the conversation

"So, Karan have you prepared your presentation for this meeting? Because Teju already prepared the things we will be expecting from your company for this project. This project should benefit both the companies. For that have you prepared anything?" SP Kundrra asks Karan.

"Dad, Sorry I mean Mr. Kundrra. Actually we were out of country for a business trip and we just came back yesterday so there is nothing prepared at this moment or actually should I say we have a presentation but we can not present as I and my partners Nishant and Umar haven't properly examined it. But if your assistant already prepared something that your company expect then you can present and then we can prepare according to your expectations." Karan replies to SP Kundrra and also looks at Teju who is just focused on her laptop and she is taking all the notes in her computer. And Karan can see her typing on a rocket speed and she is writing everything they are discussing in the meeting.

"What do you think Teju? Should we present now?" SP Kundrra asks Teju and that was kind of shock for Karan and his friends that Karan's Father first time asking someone like that.

"No, I don't think so we should present our expectations today. It will be better if they prepare their presentation first because what if they can offer better for us and what if we are settling for something less Sir." Teju answers to SP Kundrra. Karan was bit shock and he thought maybe she is doing it on purpose.

"Very Smart Teju. So, Yes Karan we think you should prepare a presentation for us first and then we can also see what exactly you are offering us in this project. You can take your time and can let Teju know when you all are ready and she will fix our next meeting. Teju please give your email address and phone number to Karan" SP Kundrra stats to Karan.

Teju forward her visiting card to Karan. While taking from her hand Karan's hand touches her hand and she looks at him and she immediately pulls her hand back and because of that the visiting card drops on the floor. Both bends down to pick that card and now their faces are so close and they share a intense eye lock for few seconds only. Teju quickly got up and stands leaving the card on the floor. Karan picks up the card and stands up straight. 

SP Kundrra and his team is already walking out of the room. Teju is collecting her stuff and Karan, Umar, Nishant and Omi still in the room. Omi recognizes that she is same girl Karan asked him to find the information about. So, he kind of an idea that there is kind of rift between them but he is totally unaware about the plan these friend had against Teju.

Teju is in hurry while collecting her stuff as she wants to walks out asap. Karan goes little close to Teju and say, "Teju." Before he continues further Teju shows him her hand to stop and quickly walks out and Nishant stops Karan to follow her. Omi was still confused then Nishant tells him everything and he was kind of shocked that Karan has really done this to her because the Karan he know will never hurt anyone.

Karan goes back to his cabin. Nishant, Umar and Omi follow him inside.

"How can she be here in our company? We have to fire her." Umar says

"Are you out of your mind Umar? First, she is not working for our company that company belongs to my Dad and didn't you notice that Dad likes her a lot as she is best at her work. It will be biggest stupidity if we try to do anything bad to her. Umar, don't you dare to do anything bad to her this time. Whatever happened in past should stay there only." Karan blasted at Umar. Umar was bit taken a back as he never expected Karan to behave like that him.

All of them can see how angry Karan is. Nobody is able to understand where all this coming from? Only Nishant knows what he is going through.

"And I need to say sorry to her." Karan thinks in his mind.

So, we should actually talk to her and keep the personal difference out of the work. We need to make sure that Kundrra uncle never gets to know what we have done to her." Nishant suggested to which Omi agrees and Karan nods and Umar got agrees later.

"But how will we talk to her." Umar asks all of them.

"Tomorrow after our meeting." Karan stats.

Meanwhile after coming out of the conference room, Teju went to the washroom as she needs time to settle herself. She already understood that Karan took the revenge back for his friend Umar. And that was the reason that he walked away without even saying anything to her because this is what exactly happened when she met Umar last time. But she knows that Karan doesn't even know that truth and she do not even want to tell him anything as it is too late for any explanation.

Karan calls his PA and asks her to set a meeting at 10am for the presentation. Karan's PA contacts Teju and meeting is fixed tomorrow at 10AM.

Karan and his team are now busy in preparing the presentation. It is already very late when Karan leaves the office and he sees Teju is standing outside and waiting for auto and he remembers how to use to give her rides. Teju also looks at him and just then her auto came and she left from there. Karan felt really bad.

Teju in auto is feeling all the emotions again and tears started flowing from her eyes. But she somehow controlled herself and went home.

Both went to their respective homes.

Precap :- Karan tries to talk to Teju. Teju VS Umar.

Please like and comment to let me know you did you like this part. I know this story is bit harsh for few here. I am sorry if I am hurting anyone's sentiments. Your suggestions are always welcomed. 

Thank you all for liking and commenting.


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