Ego vs Apology - Part 30

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Part 30

"Karan, even after all this Teju was feeling bad for Umar till we met again. We met him in a night club where he started shouting at Teju again. We took her home. But in a way that night he helped Teju. Because that was day when Teju came out of the guilty of hurting him indirectly."

Adaa tells Karan which reminded him that night when Karan, Nishant and Umar all went out and Umar saw Teju and went up to her and shouted at her that time Karan couldn't see her face.

"I am so sorry that my friend had done all this to Teju and you two as well. I am still in shock. I can't believe that he lied to me." Karan tell Adaa and Aneri. Karan couldn't say more as he is so ashamed.

"Karan, you believed you best friend but did you even think once that Teju can never do anything wrong." Adaa asks him

This question makes Karan feel more guilty. He couldn't look at them and leaves from there without looking back at them.

Karan starts driving back to office and he keeps thinks how Umar manipulated and lied to him. The time he spent with Teju and the way they all executed the plan against Teju, the way he broke her heart all of these things are flashing in front of his eyes. All those flashbacks are hurting him and tears are falling down from his eyes and his heart is breaking into pieces.

Karan reaches the office and he is not looking good. Karan reaches to his cabin and sees that Teju is working and her innocent face. Teju notices him looking at her and she confused with his expression. Karan couldn't bare her look at her and he closes the blinds(curtains) which confuses Teju more.

Nishant and Omi get to know that Karan is back and they immediately come to his cabin to talk and when they see Karan in that condition. Nishant runs to him and hugs him.

"Beera, what happened? What did they tell you." Nishant asks Karan.

"Nishant, Umar lied to us." Karan tells Nishant with tears in his eyes.

"He ruined everything Nishant. I will never be able to look into Teju's eyes." Karan says to Nishant.

Karan tells the whole story to Nishant and Omi and they are equally shocked. Nishant is blaming himself for this as he was there but still, he couldn't do anything.

Karan asks Omi to call Umar. Omi calls Umar and he comes in few seconds.

As he enters Karan's cabin. He can sense they something big has happened here. Umar is looking at Karan who is looking completely pale.

"Karan, Nishant, is everything okay? You guys called me." Umar asks them.

"Umar, I am going to ask to one question please answer me yes or no." Karan asks Umar in very firm and angry tone.

"Karan, what happened? Chill yaar! Why so angry?" Umar replies to Karan while placing his hand on his shoulder. Karan looks at him and jerk his hand away.

"Umar, be serious. I am not cracking a joke here." Karan says to him while looking into his eyes.

"Ok Bro, ask whatever you want to ask." Umar replies while sitting in the couch.

On the other side Teju can hear something in her cabin but she is not able to hear it properly.

"Did you lie you us about Tejasswi and your matter?" Karan asks him looking straight at him. This question makes Umar worried and he not being able to understand if Karan knows the truth. His uneasiness and nervousness are visible on his face.

"Why would I lie to you Karan." Umar replies while tries to stay calm and confident.

"Umar, are you serious? You are still lying to us." Nishant comes forward and says to him.

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