Fall and Hold each other- Part 4

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Recap- Karan is ready to take the revenge from Tejasswi Prakash for breaking his best friends Heart. 

Story Begins

Karan called his manager Omi who is like a brother to him and do whatever Karan asks him to do.

"Omi, Umar is sending you a picture of a girl, her name is Tejasswi Prakash. Please find her information and keep updating me about her day to day activities from tomorrow morning." Karan told Omi on phone.

"Ok, Bhai" Omi replied.

Tejasswi Side:-

Adaa and Aneri dropped her to the door and they asked her not to think too much and stay calm. After reaching home Teju was again in her guilt trip and as soon as she reached home, she went to her room and after changing she slept as she knew only sleep can clam her down now. Everybody know Tejasswi just want to sleep when she is too disturbed.

Sunday Morning

Teju was still in bed but she was thinking about yesterday. She remembers Umar's words when he called her all the bad words and pointed at her character and called her cheater and wished her heartbreak. Till yesterday, She was feeling sorry for Umar but after hearing all the venom he said to her, she was kind of okay. At least she was not guilty anymore. She believed that whatever Umar wanted to say to her, he already did, so I think now he will have no grudge for her and now he will move on. She was okay now.

As she was feeling better, so she video called Adaa and Aneri and asked them if they want to go out for shopping as she wants to buys something for her parents. Adaa and Aneri were confused that how she is so relaxed after yesterday, so they asked her if she is okay. Teju explained them that now she is not feeling guilty as Umar took out his frustration on her and that will help him to move on. After hearing all this Adaa and Aneri were happy that at last Teju is okay now. So they got agree to go for shopping and all three of them going to meet in the mall directly.

Teju got ready and she was on call with Aneri and Adaa. She was asking them if they left from their home already or not.

 She was asking them if they left from their home already or not

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(Tejasswi's Outfit)

"Adaa and Aneri, girls don't be late I will be at the Oberoi Mall around 1pm and first we will have lunch in the food court and then we can do our shopping." Teju told them on phone.

She took the auto and left from her home.

Somebody was listening to the conversion and immediately called Omi and told him about the location. Omi gave this Information to Karan.

Karan's Side:-

Early morning in bed Karan was thinking how to make Tejasswi fall in love with him. Till now he hasn't seen Tejasswi or her picture.

He went downstairs to have breakfast. Umar and Nishant was already there waiting for him and Umar was happy as Karan agreed to his plan.

They had the breakfast and decided to play basketball. When they were playing the basketball right that time Omi called Karan and informed him that Tejasswi is going to the Oberoi Mall.

Karan and his friends immediately moved from there and started getting ready. It took them 2 to 3 hours to reach to the mall.

 It took them 2 to 3 hours to reach to the mall

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(Karan's look)

They made a plan that today Karan will just bump into her by accident and he will pretend to be new in the city and will ask her help to get to know the city.

Nishant and Umar was with Karan but because Teju has seen Nishant so it's only Karan who is going to meet Teju and Nishant and Umar will witness everything from the distance. Karan asked Omi to give him the number of the person who was following Teju and her friends so he can directly intact with him. His name is Amar.

Nishant and Umar saw all three girls and Karan was on call with the Amar when suddenly Umar pulled him behind the pillar as all three were walking towards them. When girls crossed the pillar Umar pushed Karan to go behind and take a chance if Karan somehow can gain to their attention. (Point to note- Karan hasn't seen Teju)

All girls were walking and Teju stopped in the middle as her heel broke and she was already losing her balance when with the sudden push Karan bump into her from the side. Because he was on one of her side and due to the bump both of them lost their balance and first Karan fall on the floor and Teju fall on top of him. Her hands were wrapped around his neck and his hands were on her waist. Her face was covered with her hair so at first Karan couldn't see her face. Teju removed her hair from her face with her one hand and other hand is on Karan's chest. As her face is now visible to Karan and both of them can see each. Karan was lost in her beauty and couldn't move and even Teju was lost in his eyes. Teju tried to get up but because of her broken heel she lost her balance again and fall on Karan again, who was still in the same position and this time their face were very close that they felt each others breath. Both of them were in that position until Teju's friends came and help Teju to get up.

Aneri and Adaa asked Teju, "Are you okay, Darling." (name is not taken yet)

"Yeah" responded and she also asked Karan, "Are you okay?"

Karan nodded.

Aneri and Adaa latterly dragged Teju from there and Teju was looking back at Karan only and Karan was also looking at her only.

Soon girls left from there without saying sorry properly. But Karan was still lost in her beauty and for few mins he forgot about everything. This is first time happened to him that he liked a girl at first sight.

"Karan, Are you okay?" Umar asked and this brought Karan into the reality.

Karan nodded positively

"Wow Karan, that was smooth. I didn't think it will look this natural." Umar said with smile.

Karan was confused on this statement and he asked, "Sorry, what are you talking about. I missed Tejasswi and bump into some other girl."

"No Karan, you did all well. That girl was Tejasswi. I don't think they will ever imagine that this fall was planned. It looked so real." Umar completed

"oh, She was Tejasswi?" Karan asked and both Umar and Nishant nodded positively.

Karan was bit taken a back because he liked her at first sight.

Nishant noticed the uneasiness on Karan's Face.

Soon Karan jerked his thought and went near to Umar and asked him, "Are you happy now? We will take our revenge."

(How will Karan deal with his feelings? Did he just fall for her at first sight or it is just an attraction?)

Precap- Second meet up and Their first Auto Ride

Stay tuned

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