New Beginnings - Part 19

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Part 19

Teju is focused now to get her dream job. And Karan went to London for a week.

Teju got call from her favourite company that she got selected for the position of Personal Assistant. They ask her to start her job asap. So, Teju immediately gives her resignation and start working with the new company already. Now things are going well for her. She is getting a lot of praises for her work. She is kind of satisfy with her carrier but still she is hurt. Now she is not even showing her emotions to her close ones as she doesn't want them to be upset with her. Now she is keeping her thought and feelings to herself and portrays to world as if she is the happiest when reality is different.

It's been 3 days that Teju joined her new job. She is almost done with day when Adaa called her and asked her to come to the café.

Teju reaches the café and she sees Aneri and Adaa both are waiting for her. She went and took the seat with them

"So, why did you asked me to come here. I am already very tired. my new job is kind of hectic and it is taking a lot of my energy to learn the things fast." Teju tells them while adjusting on the chair.

Aneri looks and Adaa and continue, "Teju, Actually we find out something about Karan and we want to share with you."

Teju looks at them in shock and says, "What? I told you both that I do not want to do anything against him. In fact, I don't even want to hear his name or talk about him."

"We know Teju but this is something we think you should know, So whatever the information we found about him states that he came with a plan to meet you and broke your heart. So, Me and Aneri went to his apartment building and we found that yes, it is his own apartment but that apartment he bought 5 years ago, not recently which means he was not new in Mumbai. We also went to the office he claimed to work that was also a lie because we found out that he never worked there which means he was lying from the beginning just to meet you everyday. It was all planned Teju. So, he came to broke you heart only that means he never had any feelings for you. We still don't know the exact reason but we will find out soon." Adaa tells everything to Teju.

Teju gets bit shocked at first then she takes a deep breath and say, "Girls please I don't want to know all these thing but I really appreciate that you girls are looking after me but what is point of doing all this."

"Teju, We are not going to leave him. He has to face us." Adaa and Aneri tells Teju.

"No, I don't want anything like that. Please let me just move on and forget about him. I can't even blame him for everything because I was the one who gave him the right to do all this to me. So how can I even blame him?" Teju states very clearly to Adaa and Aneri

Adaa and Aneri couldn't argue with her further as they didn't want to ruin her mood. They ordered the food and after sometime all of them went to the respective homes.

It's been one week since Teju joined her new job. She is happy with her job and this job is helping her to distract from Karan as it is keeping her busy,

After one week on Saturday night Karan and her friends came back from London.

Karan came back very late so he didn't disturb anybody and went straight to his room and slept. Morning Time, Karan came downstairs to have the breakfast with his parents. He comes down and hugs his mom and dad and wished them good morning.

Karan's Mom - When did you come back Karan? We thought you will be back today.

Karan- Mom, actually work was done and couldn't wait to see you both so Omi checked if any tickets available for an early flight and luckily, we found and we all came back last night. It was late so I didn't want to disturbs you both.

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