Complicated Feelings and Emotions - Part 13

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Recap - Karan met Aneri and Adaa. Teju kissed Karan.

Part 13

Karan is still lost in her thought when he phones rings. Umar is calling him and that call brings him back to the reality.

"Hello" Karan says to Umar and Nishant who are on video call with him

"Hey Karan, So Tejasswi is gone?" Umar asks

Karan tells them everything, how Teju took care of him, Teju cooked for him and also about Teju's friends that they came over. But he didn't tell them about his feelings and about that kiss. Umar got so excited after hearing all this. After sometime they disconnect the call and Karan goes back to his bedroom to get some rest.

Meanwhile Adaa and Aneri drops Teju first. Teju says bye to them and goes inside her house. She is so happy today. She saw her mom still in kitchen so she went up to her and hugs her tightly. Teju's mom got so surprised with the hug. She can see her daughter smiling like this after so long and her smile makes her happy too.

Teju sits with her family for some time but her eyes were on phone only as she was expecting a text from Karan.

After spending some time with her family, she goes to her bedroom. She takes her night dress and goes to the bathroom to get fresh. She comes back after changing her clothes and now she is in bed and still waiting for Karan's text.

She opens her laptop and checks her email when she sees an email from her favorite company. She applied for the job few days ago and now she got a reply from them and they called her for an urgent interview tomorrow morning. She accepts the interview invitation. She is so happy that at least she will be able to give an interview for her favorite company.

She is now very happy but again no text from Karan makes her sad. Right then she hears her phone ringing and Karan is calling her. She gets very happy and she answers the phone.

"Hey Karan" Teju says as she picks the call.

"Hello Teju, actually I was not in mood to text that why I just called you directly, I hope I didn't disturb you." Karan asks Teju.

"No, not at all. I was waiting for you text actually." Teju just spills her thoughts without thinking too much and regrets quickly.

"Oh really, actually mom dad called and I was talking to them that's why I got late to call." Karan tells her. Teju find it very cute the way he was giving the explanation for getting late.

Teju really wanted him to talk about the kiss but Karan was avoiding that topic. And that made Teju think if Adaa is right that she is rushing the things.

Karan bought her back from her thoughts and says, "So Teju see you tomorrow at 8:30. I will come to pick you up."

"No Karan, tomorrow I am going to a temple with my mom so I will be late. I will reach at work directly but we can come back together at 6." Teju replies

Karan said OKAY and after sometime they say good night to each other and disconnects the call.

(Teju didn't tell Karan about his job interview, actually Teju is but superstitious. She never tells anyone about her job interview until she gets the job. She doesn't even tell her parents about it)

Next Morning

Teju wakes up and gets freshen up and goes to Kitchen.

She hugs her parents and take their blessings as today is an important day for her. After finishing her breakfast fast, she gets ready and leaves from home. She is but early so she decides to go to temple and seeks blessings.

Finally, around 9 o'clock Teju reaches for her interview and around 11 o'clock she was done with her interview. Interview went quite well and they told her that she will be informed within 10 days. Teju was happy with her interview and after that she went directly to her office. She thought of texting Karan but the way he was avoiding the kiss topic made her stop texting him. But she was missing Karan.

On the other side Karan goes directly to his work and got busy. Around lunch hour he was sitting when Nishant and Umar walk in his cabin.

"What's up Karan? Nowadays you are quite busy that you are not even going out with us." Umar taunts Karan.

"Seriously Umar, it's you only for whom I am doing all this and taking such a big risk and you are taunting me?" Karan replies with annoyed voice.

"Sorry bro, I didn't mean that way. We were Just missing our night outs." Umar says with a guilty tone.

"Umar I just need to focus on the plan and very soon I have to end this drama because it is consuming my energy and time." Karan says with irritation.

Umar says okay and leave the cabin as his PA called him for a discussion.

As Umar leaves the cabin, Nishant moves near to Karan and ask if he is, okay?

"I am okay Nishant just gets irritated when Umar says things like this. I am doing this for him and he is being stupid and taunts me." Karan explains himself.

"I know Karan, but I just want to ask you one thing are you sure you want to continue this plan? I mean I clearly can see you are getting attached to Tejasswi and she is affecting you. I don't know why but I feel like you started liking her." Nishant just says to Karan.

"There is nothing like that Nishant. I am just irritated with Umar." Karan tries to justify his behavior.

Nishant was not convinced but still agrees to him just to make him feel better. And after that Nishant leaves the office.

Now Karan is not understanding his own behavior. Actually, since morning he wanted to call Teju but because he was stopping himself and that makes him irritated.

His phone rings and her name appear on his phone screen is Teju and with that a smile appears on his face. And he answers the call.

"Hey, Teju" Karan says while answering the call.

"Hi Karan, how's your day going?" Teju asks him

"Well pretty busy day for me and how's your day going? "Karan replies to her question and asks her same.

"Yeah, my day is going well. I just called you to ask if you are free right now then we can meet for lunch." Teju asks him with excitement.

Now Karan is in his real office which is far from Teju's office so can't be there quickly.

"Actually Teju, I can't I am very busy right now and I already had a quick lunch. But I am coming to pick you up at 6pm. I will see you then." Karan replies in a low tone.

Now Teju overthinks that he is avoiding her. So, she doesn't push him too much and replies with okay and disconnects the call. Teju is kind of hurt but she gives herself an excuse that she is one who is rushing so how can she even blame Karan for her feelings. Later she got busy in her work.

Precap- Breach walk and deep conversation. Karan and Teju's emotional talk

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