Second chance - Part 33

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Part 33

"I am sorry again. I know you forgave me but now I need to forgive myself and that is only going to happen when I will make Umar apologize to you. I promise to you that Umar will say sorry to you. I want to be your friend again. But I know you won't be able to trust me. So, I will earn your trust and your friendship. First I thought I should stay away from you but now I am determined to work on myself and I will become a nice person like you for you." Karan confesses to Teju.

"You don't need to change yourself for anyone. To be very honest, I am not even sure if I will be able to trust anyone again in my life? We came close before naturally at least from my side." Teju says to Karan. The last sentence makes him feel sad as he exactly knows what is she talking about. Karan looks at Teju.

"I know what you mean. I want to change Tejasswi and it is only because now I know what I want in life. I became this person because of my past too. She left me to make her career. I tried to convince her that we can handle both but she didn't want to compromise with her career and she left me alone. Since then, I never believed in love and relationships. I met so many girls after she left me but I never got serious with anyone. But when I met you have changed something inside me. I might have realized these feeling late but now that I realized I will never give up on us. I won't ask you to trust me right away but please give a chance to get your trust back. This time I won't disappoint you." Karan confess his true feeling to Teju. Teju looked into his eyes and she can feel his words. Teju didn't say anything but she didn't deny too that makes Karan happy.

Teju feels that even Karan has gone through a tuff past like her. She is lost in her thoughts when Karan calls her to get her attention.

"Tejasswi, looks like the weather is cleared. We should leave now. It is already late." Karan says to Teju.

"Yeah sorry, I was lost in my thoughts. Yes, we should leave now. Aai and Baba is also calling me. Can you please wait? I will go and talk to them." Teju replies and steps out of the car to call her parents.

Teju calls her parent and even Karan informs his parents that they are fine and will be back soon. Teju was about to get in the car when she sees a tea stall.

"Karan Sir, if you don't mind can we quickly grab a cup of tea. I am feeling hungry." Teju asks Karan through the car's window as she is still out side.

"Of course, I am sorry that I forgot that you didn't have any food. I saw you were so busy in preparations that you skipped your meal." Karan says to her with guilty eyes.

"It's okay sir, we all were busy." Teju replies and they walks up the stall.

Before ordering the tea Teju asks Karan, "Sir, will you be okay to eat outside? remember last time you fall sick. I don't want that to happen again. And this time I won't be even able to help you." Teju says the last sentence without thinking and regret it immediately.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have mention about that time." Teju again says and tries to avoid the topic.

Karan remembers the incident and also remembers how Teju took care of him that time.

"It's all good. and don't worry, I will also have tea. It's better to falls sick then to die with hunger." Karan says jokingly as he wants to handle the situation.

Karan enjoyed the road side tea and Teju was admiring his facial reaction while drinking the Tea.

They had their teas. After some time, they walks back to the car and Karan starts driving the car.

After few hours drive they entered the main city.

"Karan sir, you can drop me at the next street. I will take the auto from there." Teju says to Karan.

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