New Friend meets old Friends - Part 12

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Recap- TejRan's Kitchen closeness

Part 12

Karan finishes his call and now he is thinking about his action in Kitchen, where he was about to kiss Teju. He scolds himself for this action and he mutters to himself, Karan you are not suppose feel this. Why are you so attracted to her? Why can't you just resist her? Whenever she is around, you just loose yourself. Get a hold on yourself Karan. Karan, you should focus on your plan for you friend. Okay now move from here and act normally in front of her. Karan schools himself and goes to the Kitchen.

As Karan enters the Kitchen again Teju looks at Karan from the corner of her eye and smile. Karan notices her smile and he felt bad that he is playing with her feelings. Karan tries to light the atmosphere and starts a convo.

"aahh, That was my friends on the call. Actually they knew that I wasn't feeling well so they called to find out about my health. So, I told them that a friend is here to take care of me." Karan tells Teju. Teju smiles at Karan's actions.

Teju was almost done with her cooking and Karan was with her in Kitchen when they heard a door bell.

"I guess Adaa and Aneri are here." Teju says and went to open the door and Karan follows her to the door. (Aneri and Adaa both are still unaware about Karan)

Teju opens the door and Aneri screams, "Tejuuuuu, We are here."

Teju hugs both of them and as they comes in and saw Karan, both of them gets shocked and then they looks at Teju and signs at her what is this and Teju shakes her head and mutters what?

Karan welcomes them inside and Teju Introduce them.

"Aneri, Adaa and Karan, all three of you have seen each other but let me introduce you all. So Adaa and Aneri meet Karan and Karan meet Adaa and Aneri my best friends while hugging them." Teju introduces them.

Adaa and Aneri says hi to Karan and Karan forward his hand to shake and then they hand shakes each other. And then door bells again rings and Karan opens the door and shouts, "Teju food is here." Teju goes to help him to bring the food and she takes food along with Karan in the Kitchen.

Adaa and Aneri both were sitting. Aneri as usual was excited and checking Karan's apartment. And on the other side, Adaa was watching Teju and her behaviour.

Teju and Karan comes out and they arrange the food on the dining table and they invite Adaa and Aneri to have some food.

"Adaa and Aneri, please come and lets eat." Teju calls them to join for dinner.

Aneri and Adaa sat for the dinner and they took pizza slices. Karan also about to take a Pizza slice from the box when Teju taps on his hand.

"No Karan, this is not for you I will go and get daal chawal for you." Teju says

Teju goes inside and brings Daal Chawal for Karan. Adaa and Aneri looks at her in shock and Teju notices their confusion.

"Actually, yesterday I forced Karan to eat a vada pav and because of that vada pav, Karan got food poisoning and he got sick. That is why I came here and brought him some home made food. Now I made some daal chawal for him." Teju explains to Adaa and Aneri to which Aneri didn't react much but Adaa was bit worried about Teju's actions.

After having their food all moved to the living room where Karan has big setup for the video games. Aneri got so excited and she started playing with Karan. Karan and Aneri both are playing. Adaa is helping Teju to put the dishes in the dishwasher. Adaa begins the convo with Teju.

"Teju, you and Karan got very friendly in few days only na?" Adaa asks Teju.

"Yes Adaa, and you the best part Karan is such an amazing person. He exactly know when I am sad and he tries to make me smile. He just ate that vada pav yesterday only because I asked him. Can you imagine?" Teju shares her feelings with Adaa.

"Yeah Teju, I can see that how much you are involved with him. You are behaving like his close friend who even take care of him and his house." Adaa says it bluntly.

"What do you mean Adaa?" Teju asks Adaa

"You know what I mean Teju. Teju I am worried about you please this is going to fast. Please slow down and think. I just want to see you happy my darling." Adaa says to Teju and hugs her tightly

"I know Adaa you are worried about me but trust me, I will be fine." Teju assures her.

Now Teju and Adaa also goes back to the living room and Karan notice Adaa's behaviour towards him. So he asks Adaa to play the video game with him.

"Adaa come lets play." Karan calls Adaa. And Adaa goes up to him to play the game.

"So Karan, may I ask what game you are playing here." Adaa asks him in a sarcastic tone. And Karan looks at her with shocking and confusing expression as if he got caught.

"Sorry, I mean which video game are we going to play Karan." Adaa corrects her statement. To Which Karan nods

Now when Adaa and Karan both are playing and both are smiling and to see that Teju is also happy.

Now it is time to leave. Teju is leaving with Adaa and Aneri which makes Karan and Teju both bit sad. Karan offers Teju ride to which Adaa says, "Don't worry Karan, I have my car so I will drop Teju. You should rest." And Karan nods

Aneri and Adaa both are already outside and waiting for elevator to come and Teju is still inside as she is collecting her stuff. As she was about to walk outside after say bye to Karan.

Karan holds her elbow and pulls her into a hug. Teju hugs him back with one Hand.

Karan slowly moves near to hear ear and now his lips are almost touching her ear and he says, "Thank you for everything today." And Teju looks at him and smiles.

Both of them didn't want to break the hug until they hear Adaa shouting Teju's name. Teju says bye to him and goes out. Karan looks at her while standing at door. He waits at his door until elevator comes and Teju goes inside. When elevator's door closes only then Karan comes inside and lock the door.

Karan walks away from the door and right then door bells rings again. He turns back and open the door and Teju is at the door.

She walks in and says, "Sorry I forgot my laptop. I just came to get it."

To which Karan smiles as he also knows that she left the laptop behind on purpose.

Teju takes her laptop bag and was about to move out when she goes near to Karan and kisses him on the cheek and then she runs out of the apartment. It took 2 second for Karan to register what just happens and as soon as he realize, he runs after her but elevator is here already and Teju just looks at her while going inside and she is blushing hard. Her pink cheeks are giving chills to Karan.

Karan closes the door and now he is smiling like an idiot. He is not being able to understand how a simple cheek kiss can make him so happy and give him chills. Cheek Kiss for a play boy like Karan wasn't nothing in past but today this kiss gives him the most beautiful feeling. Karan is still lost in her thoughts.

Precap- Teju's Job Interview

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