''I do not want to see you again' margaery spat.

'I think you will change your mind about that.' cersei remarked 'I've been told men often go mad in the black cells of the red keep but I suppose your isolation will end when the trial begins.''

''Leave.' Margaery demanded.

'Yes I'm afraid I must go, my son needs me now more than ever.' Cersei told her as Margaery grabbed the food throwing it across the room at Cersei.

'Get out of here you hateful bitch!' she shouted, Cersei only smirked leaving. Cersei wanted to celebrate with Rieka. But her smile faltered remembering that RIeka was gone, to casterly rock, with her husband... Jaime. 

''Sleep well sister.' Cersei said sweetly. Smugly cersei walked back But she was stopped by the sparrow himself. She could still celebrate without RIeka, she had never had any real friends before, she knew who to satisfy herself, keep herself company. 

'You saw her?' the high sparrow questioned.



'Her accommodations seem fit for her.' cersei admitted 'what now?'

'Well her brother and her have under fair suspicion the trial will be held for each of them it will determine if they are guilty of anything that constitute containment of the faith.'

'Who will stand judge?' cersei questioned

'The seven septons, as it was an all the old trials before the Targaryen.'

'Will you be one of them?' Cersei asked

'I will.' he agreed.

'If one or both of them were to confess before the trial...'

'Then they will be found upon the mothers mercy'

'What is the mother mercy entail?' cersei questioned

'That depends upon the situation. The act itself.' The sparrow informed her.

'Thank you high Septon for bringing them whatever justice they deserve in the eyes of the seven.' Cersei said turning to leave but the high sparrow wasn't done.

"Rieka, we are home." Jaime remarked. She opened her eyes running a hand over her stomach. 

"This baby is coming soon." RIeka realized. "I feel it." 

"I can't wait to meet her." Jaime assured helping her out of the carriage. "Come on, get some sleep in a real bed before this baby comes." he led her inside but with each step she got more and more worried about her future. Women died in childbirth all the time, Jaimes mother died birthing Tyrion. She didnt want to lose her baby, didnt want to die in the process, she had so much life to live. Now with the sparrow claiming himself king, the world still at war, Rieka was worried about her baby. Worried for their safety. 

'did you know the Chapel is one of the oldest structures in Kings Landing?' Sparrow questioned. 

'I think I may have heard that at one point,' Cersei admitted.

'and this alter... do you know who made it?' cersei shook her head. 'No, no one does there's no name on it or anywhere else in the chapel. The people who built this place didn't inflict their vanity on those who came after them the way they loaded with a great gilded monstrosity up there... their faith was clean. Strip with a gold in the ornaments knock down the statues in the pillars and this is what remains. the alter. something simple.' he ran his hands along the rough stone

'solid and true. The Tyrell's finery will be stripped away their lies knock down the true hearts laid there for all to see and so it will be for all of us high and low alike.' The high sparrow went on, cersei couldn't help but smile. 'what will we find when we strip you of your finery? A young man came to us not long ago broken and body and spirit. He had so much to strip away but Piece by Piece each week he unburdened himself let go of the vanity pride sin. Sins and now his spirit is so light he will float through the heavens like a bird.' Cersei smiled sweetly, 'he had much to say about you the you.' The sparrow informed her Cersei looked back at the door confused as a man stepped forward she went to leave but the door was blocked.

'Move.' Cersei demanded 'let me go.' she demanded 'you will order her to let me go immediately.' Cersei shouted as one of the women of the sept grabbed her. 'I am the queen I am the queen let me go.' Cersei shouted as she was dragged away screaming and shouting the whole way she wasn't going down without a fight she was thrown into a cell herself. 'look at me.' she demanded 'look at my face. It is the last face you see before you die.'

"I'm scared. Really, really scared. " Rieka remarked.

"It is... common for women to be anxious about the birthing process." Jaime offered running a hand through her hair. 

"For nine months, my whole goal was to keep this baby in my belly, safe and sound and protected. And now it feels like I'm supposed to just shove my own heart into the world and... and let it walk around all exposed and vulnerable and so, so tiny. " Rieka went on. "And I'm not gonna be able to protect her anymore. "

"It will be okay.... Probably. " Jaime mused kissing her temple. "Rieka, no matter what happens, I'm here. We get through this together." Rieka nodded. "There is no point in worrying yourself about it, you can't control the future but we will protect this baby from anything and everyone that would hurt her." 

"Thank you Jaime." 

"I am very excited to meet our daughter. "

"I'm really excited, too. " RIeka agreed. "Watch it be a boy." 

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