4. Everything Has Changed

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"Absolutely not!" My manager runs behind me, catching up and spewing more shit about how this could help my film and career and blah blah

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"Absolutely not!" My manager runs behind me, catching up and spewing more shit about how this could help my film and career and blah blah.

"I said I am not doing it. And I am not. First you come into my house unannounced and then you ambush me into doing your bidding. No way in hell am I listening to you. If you don't leave your nonsensical blabber away, I will fire you." I won't. He is the only one who puts up with me. Others would be a million times worse.

"I am only asking you to do it for a couple months. It's only pretending. I am not asking you to get married. Just pretend to date a woman, people will get all hyped up and then you can break up or whatever. Just do it for four months. Until the film comes out and a little bit after it so people don't doubt much."

Fucking PR relationships. Is me working not enough? Is me standing infront of cameras and promoting it not enough? Now they want me to fucking date? "You can date your co-star. It would be great press. And you two have done four films together, there are already people that ship you." He literally has hearts in his eyes. Why does my life suck so much.

"I am not dating her."


"Because some people are monsters. They would see me with her, plan the names of our fucking children and then won't be welcoming to whoever I am actually truly with. I do intend to get married one day and have a family. And I don't want people ruining my wife's life, only because they cannot fucking move on. If I date one extremely famous person, I would never be able to move past it." He shrugs with a 'fair enough' and I want to bang his head against the wall.

"If that is it, then get out." He opens his mouth but then stops to stare behind me. A slightly uncomfortable Samiksha stands there with a glass of water. She puts it on the nearby table and runs back inside. Fucking hell, now he scared her. "Who is that?"

"None of your business." I almost shove him out but he finds his footing again. "Wait. I will leave, okay, I'll leave but listen. Why don't you date her? She is obviously not from the industry or I would've known her, so she won't pose the threat other actresses do!"

"Waah. What a genius you are. Fuck off. I am not putting her infront of the media so they dissect her. She is the last person I want to hurt or complicate things for. Now fuck off."

"You don't have to show her face or anything. Just little snippets here and there. Just to let people know you have someone in your life. Mystery increases profits."

"And I will decrease your salary if you don't get lost." After successfully shoving him out of my house and shutting the door in his face, I lean against it. Groaning like a miserable brute. Why did I ever become an actor? Should've just worked in dad's company. Life would have been easier and better. With no drama.

I turn around and frown at the empty hall. "Alright, you nosy little squirrel, come out." And just like I assumed, an innocent face comes into my vision with a sheepish smile. "Lunch is ready." She is always eavesdropping. Never let the innocent face of Samiksha Kapoor fool you. She knows alot more than she let's on.

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