When Harry met Sofie - Chapter 7

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"Really now. How do your parents feel about you staying here?" Camilla asked, raising an eyebrow.

"My mother is okay. She told me to do what makes me happy, and Harry is what makes me happy." I reply, confidently. Hopefully, we can end the questioning! I dont do well under pressure.

"And your father?" The dreaded question came from none other than, Charles. I gulp and look away from them. Can just say I dont want to answer the quesiton? Ugh, no. That would be rude and seem like I am hiding something. I glance up and theyre all staring at me, including Harry. I hadnt told him anything about my father...

"Well, um, well... My dad isnt alive." I mumble, looking at Harry when i answer. Everyone goes silent. Harry grip on my hand tightens and Camilla has a look of sympathy on her face. Charles is blank.

"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. What Happened to him?" Charles pressed on. I look away and blink back tears. I hate talking about what happened to my dad, we were close. He was like my best friend. When he died, i went crazy.

"Dad!" Harry yelled the same time Camilla yelled "Charles!" Charles looks at them confused. "What?" He asked, unknowing of what he did.

"Have some manners, atleast ask the poor girl if she even wants to tell you about it!" Camilla hissed. I smile at her greatfully. But i know i need to tell them, other than that they'll find out in the worst way possible.

I let go of Harry's hand and run my hand over my dress, smoothing it. "Its fine, really." Even though it isnt, I'm freaking out in my mind. "My dad was murdered when i was 10. My brother had a baseball game, my mother made me attend with her. My dad stayed home to paint my bedroom orange for me. When we came home, the front door was wide open. Mom figured it was just dad trying to let the paint fumes out of the room. But when i went to my room, i found my dad lying on the floor. They caught his murderer a year later. They stole his wallet and our tv." I tell them, starring at my plate the entire time i speak. I'm unaware of the fact that I'm crying until a tear hits my hand, I quickly wipe them away from my eyes. This was the first time I've told anyone about my dad since I met Stevie.

"Sofie... I am so sorry." Harry says, pulling me into a hug. I cry into his shirt, forgetting where we are. I miss my dad so much and Harry is only the second person I have told about him. But no one knows how i really feel about this. No one knows that i blame myself for my dads death, not even Stevie or my mom, or brother know that.

When I calm down, Harry hands me a napkin and i wipe my eyes. I glance up and notice Charles and Camilla starring at me with pure horror and sadness in their eyes. "Sofie, dear. That is so horrible. I cant not imagine living through such things like that, to have a parent murder. It must be horrible." Camilla said, patting my hand that is resting on the table. I notice Charles shot her a look and out of the corner of my eye, I notice Harry's pained expression. Diana. He's thinking of his mother, and how she was murdered. I put my hand on his thigh, to let him know I'm here for him, like he is here for me. He glances at me and flashes a weak smile.

"Well, you've had quiet the life, huh?" Is all that Charles said. I dont blame him, it is quite shocking news. But he is probably thinking of Diana as well. Soon after we cleared out of the dining area and went outside to the poolside and sat around a table with an umbrella over it. Camilla and I talk for awhile, while Harry and his father make small talk. Camilla is actually pretty nice but i still sense her stiffness. Camilla likes to speak fashion, so we mostly spoke about what is in style in America. She also asked if she could take me hat shopping, I wanted to say no, but I couldnt bring myself too say I dont wear hats.

"Well son, I like this one. She seems like a winner." Charles suddenly says, pulling me a Camilla out of our chat bubble. I look over at him and smile.

"Thank you, Charles. But I think I'm more of the winner here. Its amazing being with Harry." I smile at Harry and lean in closer to him. Camilla and his dad smile at us like they know were falling inlove.


After tea by the pool and some more small talk, Harry and I went for a swim. Harry kept pulling me under in the deep end though. He'd dive under and the next thing i know, he's grabbing my ankles and yanking me under. By seven we are dried off and out of his fathers house. And now, Harry has dragged me to his favorite club.

"We have a special guest in the house tonight! Everyone yell for Prince Harry of Wales!!!" The DJ screams. Everyone starts yelling and screaming. This is abosolutely crazy! I hold my cup in the air and scream along with them, letting the vibe of the place sink into my bones. Music starts to play and Harry pulls me onto the dance floor. People all around are dancing along to the music, couples grinding, some just swaying others doing who the hell knows what. Harry finds the perfect spot in the middle of the floor and turns me so my back is against his stomach, we start dancing together, me grinding against him, waving my cup in the air as I dance. This is the most fun I've had in forever!

Harry's hands are on my waist pulling me closer. I finish my drink and drop the cup, putting my hands ontop of his. We continue to dance like this for the next three songs, until I've had enough. I turn around, put my arms around his neck and kiss him hard. Harry groans, grabbing my waist pulling me as close as possible. I bit his bottom lip and his mouth opens, our tongues colliding. My hands move into his hair and tug on it. His hands are roaming my body. I pull away to catch my breath and his mouth moves to my neck, not stopping. He kisses my neck as i gasp for breath. His mouth moves up my neck to bellow my ear, then he nibbles on my earlobe.

"Lets get out of here, and go back to my place. Its closer." He whispers into my ear, his voice full of lust.


What do yall think? Yay, Nay? Vote & Comment please! & Excuse spelling mistakes please, its late.

Oh & ive just been grounded for the weekend, so ill be updating pretty much everydayyyy. If you think I'm updating to much, let me know? I'll space them out some. I just get so excited to write this story, i cant help myself! ;D


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