Chapter 13

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I inhaled the smoke for the last time from my cigarette before I threw it on the ground and stomped it hard. I entered the elevator and I stopped on the 3rd floor. As soon as I got outside, I walked around the training room.

New set of youth has been placed in this deadly cage. Endless training, a chip placed to their brain in case they escape, and a program that has put on them in order to control them.

All the agents bowed their heads as I walked past to them. I saw a young man crying in the waiting room. I should feel mercy, a pity for him, but I felt none.

I need to accomplish this. I need to be as heartless as I can be. Because if I fail this, I fail the whole world.

I crouched down to look at his eyes better.

"Scared?" I asked. He started to shake, his eyes filled with tears. I recognized his necklace, the symbol from the Hellas. They stole a young man from our kingdom, my kingdom. I gritted my teeth but I hid my irritated expression.

My eyes went to his hands. I scoffed when I saw a dagger. It looks ancient.

"A chip will be placed in your brain, if you escape, your head will blow up within a second. Don't do things that you'll regret." I said as I stood up. I turned my back away from him.

"You're a Mythian... yet you're here, betraying your own people and siding with enemies!" He hissed in his own language. He's aware that I could understand him.

That stopped me from strutting away. I let out a sigh as my eyes fell on the ground.

"You'll face your crimes, the other Mythians will punish you for doing this." He remarked.

I laughed and shook my head. I went back to him. My eyes are filled with hatred, anger, and vengeance.

"Listen here, kid. This whole thing is a game, if you don't play better, you'll lose. And do you know what losing means here?" I whispered.

His hands were trembling but he still dared to return my stares.

"You'll die. There's no greatness in this world if there's no balance, the goodness and badness. But if you know how to play it well, the future will be sealed in a better way." I said as I clenched my fists.

I pointed my finger to the glass wall where the dozen of youth were standing with emotionless expression on their faces.

"You see them? They're the pawns in this game. They were summoned to battle and to sacrifice." I explained. He catches his breath while watching the people in the red room.

"You see that woman? In the large chair?" I tilted his head towards the location of the woman with an eye patch.

There's a huge black chair in the middle of the room, she was assigned to monitor the youth and punish them. She earned the position she has right now, she is considered as the strongest in this building. The most trusted person of the King. She has her deadly weapon on her side, the katana.

"She is considered the Knight in this game. She's the secret weapon of the King. She has the power to dominate, to kill, and to decide for the better of this organization. And she's considered as the most powerful piece in this game." I smirked as I watched him stare at M.

"What about you?"

His question stunned me. The side of my lips rose. There's a hint of curiosity and hatred in his eyes.

"What are you in this game?" He dared to ask again.

I kept silent as I roamed my eyes around.

"I can be whatever I want." I stated. His eyes widened as soon he understand my point. He panted while he took steps backward away from me.

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