~23~ Too many questions!

Start from the beginning

Why should I need a child to spend time with me....

I need to get back home!

I have to find a way to reverse whatever this was!

I don't wanna be stuck as a dragon!

"Don't worry little one, we will try to help you out as much as we can. That also means that we will try to help you to figure out your abilities."


Another chirping roar escaped my mouth and I was pleased to hear the I might be able to learn a lot more here than in the duchy. Though I did miss Emi and my brothers, I had to prioritize what I could do at the moment. There was nothing good which would come out if I would stay sad like that. I couldn't do much about it anyways.

"You must be worried, not being with your parents..."

"Sensei, do other dragons exist as well?"

"Oh silly boy! How can you forget about Duke Underwood? He is the descendant of the first dragon which saved our ancient race."


They are the people that got abandoned and outcasted?

I never knew that!

Soo.... why are they not helping the duchy then?

I am soo confused.

"But didn't they forget about us?"


What do you mean forget?

"I am sure they haven't."

"How can you be this sure though?"

I want to know that one too!

"At your age, I asked my Sensei the same thing. Here is what he told me: Our relationship is better hidden than relieved. The duke is not contacting us since he has enough enemies and wants to protect us. This forest is proof of that."

"Why would the forest be proof of it?"

"It belongs to the duchy and no one can touch it. Besides they even spread rumors that this forest was infected with various races of demonic beasts which are also high ranked and on top of that this place is apparently cursed as well."

Wow... speaking of a lie... they definitely went over the top here.

But I can understand why.

If people know that we are connected to these people then they will for sure target the wizards.

They will not let them go at all....

I fear their peaceful days would be over if that ever happens.

"That's not true tho!"

"It may not be the truth but it is better for us not to be known to be related to the duchy at all. When you get older, you will find out why."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean you will see and learn when you leave the forest how the people out there are thinking."

Harsh world!

I can say that much!

Ufff... just remembering how they all looked at me...

"... I understand..."

"Now then let's get to our next problem."

Not me nor the kid knew what this tower master was thinking. I didn't see a problem at all besides my own personal ones. However, apparently I was wrong thinking like that. Soon I would know what he was saying. At this moment, I really had no idea what he could even mean with a problem at all.


As I tilted my head in confusion, the tower master smiled softly as if to say everything was fine and I shouldn't worry at all.

"I will cast a barrier around this place so that no one except us two can enter. You may leave whenever you want too. Not as if a barrier could even hold a dragon."

Now I understood what he meant. The tower was not close but yet it was not that far away. For a skilled magician like the tower master or basically any kind of more advanced wizard could basically teleport or do whatever other spell to come close to where I was. If by any chance a rumor starts about a dragon living in the forest, of course every single person would be keen to see and find the dragon. This was what the man wanted to say but couldn't in order not to scare me. If I was a child, I would accept it like that but since I wasn't one entirely, I knew what he meant to say immediately.

I would rather not find out what you are implying here....

Like seriously....


"Excuse me for a moment. I'll set up a barrier around this place."

He definitely did as he said because for a second the ground started to be illuminated and a six star pattern was created on it. There were also a lot of characters which none I could read and it soon vanished after it appeared too.

"Alright, this should do it."

"Sensei, what about a home? Won't they be really cold at night?"

Why should I get cold?

I slept outside last night as well.

If anything it was the most relaxing thing I ever had.

Is this how it feels to camp?

"Ilya, this is not how that works."


"They feel and see things differently than us normal humans."

"Huh? I don't get it? Does that mean that the dragon sees us differently as in colors and everything?"

"Kinda. They have better sights and hearing and senses."

"That's soo cool!"

"Maybe. I wouldn't know about it."

It is kind of cool, not gonna lie but it is more handy since I can see danger.

This conversation slowly started to end and both of them bid me a goodbye for now. Finally I was all alone again. I remember there being times when I hated to be alone and needed someone to be with me at all times. It was the insecurity which made me want to have another person around telling me how good I did and that what I did was the right choice. However that was only something I did back then when I didn't know what to do with all the studying. After I knew what I wanted, I started to be independent.

Right now, things looked different again. I missed my world, my home, my family and I missed my PC and books. I just wanted everything back. I didn't want to be here anymore knowing what would happen. Of course there was nothing that could change the fact that I was here right now at all but I still missed everything.

I wonder if there will be a time when I can get back home.

When will this craziness stop?

Isn't this like enough?

Why even me?

Out of all the people who read that book, why me?

Or are there other people here as well?

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