"Move it 12." She told them, running after Finnick.

Johanna was quite out of it, still trying to comprehend the mess she just got out of as she laughed too herself, turning to look at the forest as the falling blood leaked out between the them and onto the white sand of the beach as Beetee was on his knees, coughing it out, gagging on the hot liquid, Wiress just walking in circles and saying tick tock with wide eyes.

She sighed, Blight was not her favorite person in the world but well, he had been her mentor and a friend despite it all.

Her smile became a true one when she saw Finnick, damn did she actually miss his face when she was forced to stay with Nuts and Volts and Blight who kept praying to go home.

But what made the day even better, sure she actually was happy to see Peeta, Mags and even Katniss, but those were not the people that caused this bettering of her mood, it was another victor.

"Finnick! Hey Thea!" She held her arms out by her sides. "I'd hug you but, as you can see, I took a little shower."

Athena couldn't help but shake her head with a smile, Johanna always had this fierce but idiotic behavior too her she couldn't help but love.

"Well.... I got 'em out." Johanna said, pointing the axe she got at the duo from 3. "We were all the way deep into the jungle where I thought it was gonna be safe." She went on and Athena could tell she had the same idea as they had. "That's when the rain started. I thought it was water. It turned out to be blood." Johanna's ears still hurt from the scream Wiress and Blight exchanged when realizing it was blood that was falling and blinding them.

"Tick tock." Wiress whispered, walking over, saying it as if it was the answer too all their questions.

"Hot, thick blood." Johanna complained, not letting others talk over her, ranting. "It was coming down."

"Tick tock."

"It was choking us." She scoffed. "We were stumbling around, gagging on it, blind and then Blight ran into the force-field on the ledge, he was not much but he was from home, I'll still miss him I guess."

"Tick tock."

"What's wrong with her?" Katniss asked as she was the first to speak up, cutting Johanna off from ranting any longer.

"She's in shock." Beetee filled in as he dragged himself into the water to wash the blood off his body, seemingly having a hard time to move. "Dehydration isn't helping. Do you have fresh water?"

"We can get some." Katniss reassured him

Johanna shoved Wiress to force her to sit because the woman grabbed onto her and Johanna was never the one to do things gently.

"Listen. Stop it and sit down!" She said annoyed, shaking the woman's hands off her.

"Hey! Lay off her!" Katniss said as she ran over and pushed Johanna harshly.

"Hey! What are you doing?"

Athena swung at Katniss, that making her mad, the young girl yelping as the claws barely caught her but sliced three lines into her cheek.

"I got them out for you!" Johanna yelled at Katniss, trying to pull away and run at the woman but Finnick had grabbed her, not helping with the conflict, Peeta side checked Athena with all his strength and throwing her away with the impact.

"Fuck!" She grabbed her side as she fell into the water, coughing as she pushed herself up, just to get her head out of the water.

"You fuckers!! Thea!" Johanna shoved away, running too the victor that still hadn't stood up, just backing too the shore enough that she was sitting with her legs still in the water.

She reached too the well hidden hip height zipper on the suit and pulled it down.

"Gee thanks." She groaned at Peeta, she didn't know if the wound had stopped bleeding earlier but now it was bleeding again as she pressed her hand on it.

"That looks like a bullet wound." Johanna said worried, crouched near her, shocked at the through and through wound.

"I wish, at least a bullet impact burns the skin." At least, the power rifles she saw used in 2 did that, no idea if other guns did that.

Johanna looked over her shoulder, eyes zeroing in on the arrows in a quiver that was worn by a girl.

"Johanna." Finnick warned. "Johanna!" He said louder as she stood. "Johanna no!!" When the woman tried to tackle Katniss, him barely catching her, both falling over in the ensuing skirmish in which Johanna promised a bloody death upon Katniss and her whole family.

.Stone And Lumber (Johanna Mason X F.OC).حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن