Chapter 49 - Welcome to the Brotherhood -

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"Take care and next time you return, make sure both princesses are alive." Vesemir said with the slightest of smiles on his lips. Geralt nodded with a smile of his own. "I will, don't worry." After that, we rode through the gate and out of Kaer Morhen. The mountain air was so fresh that it almost stings. The lake on the foot of the mountain has long thawed, a few ducks were even swimming on it again.

"This looks incredible." Ciri mumbled as she gazed upon the lake. We were riding at a rather slow pace for now. I smiled over at her. "It is, yes." I agreed and she smiled slightly at me. "So you're... Geralt's wife?" she asked rather surprised but behind that I could sense a feeling of nervousness. "Yes, at your service." I said and bowed my head slightly and chuckled while doing so. "And you are- a princess?" she asked with raised brows, unsure if she was correct about it. I nodded. Her eyes lit up slightly. "That means, Geralt's a prince." she said with a grin. 

We could hear Geralt grunt a laugh in front of us. "Do not tell your mother, Evelyn." He said and looked over his shoulder at us. "Too late. She already knows. Let's just hope my brothers make for good Kings in the future." I said in a joking manner, even though it is no joke. "But don't you miss your home sometimes? The palace, or the luxury of a nice bath?" Ciri asked with her head tilted. "I didn't grow up in a palace. Someone took me from there and I grew up with a simple blacksmith for a father."

The gears in Ciri's head were working on what I just said. One could see that. "You're of Lyria..." she mumbled. "Are you the lost princess then?" she asked and I again, nodded. "Mousesack used to read me your story when I was little. As a threat, so I would go to sleep." she said. I shook my head in amusement. "It wasn't all too bad. Growing up as a commoner, I mean." I said while shrugging. "Right." Jaskier said from behind me on the horse. "She met me like that." 

I nodded. "The greatest bard to ever roam the continent, yes." I agreed and Jaskier bowed his head. 

3rd person pov

Tissaia de Vries walked around the round table with Kings and Queens sitting at it, approaching her own seat. "She had green eyes. And ashen hair. It was her." she said and placed both of her hands on top of the table. "The Lion Cub of Cintra, alive and at Sodden with a Witcher." King Foltest spoke. "Why are we only hearing about this now?" a man with a mug of wine in his hand - King Henselt, asked. "Sigismund Dijkstra came to Aretuza, sniffing for something." Tissaia said.

The only other woman amongst the leaders - Queen Meve, took the word. "You think he was prodding to see if the Brotherhood knew Cirilla was alive?" she asked. "I do, Meve." Tissaia agreed with her and took a seat on her chair. Queen Meve knew about which specific Witcher they spoke, the Witcher her daughter had married. However, she kept her mouth shut about the information she had.

"He finds Cirilla and marries her off to his King." Foltest mumbled. "Giving him the only rightful claim to Cintra." Tissaia explained. Foltest got up from his seat. "Redania's wealthy enough. They add Cintra to their realm, we'll all be taking orders from fucking Vizimir." he said and walked behind the seat. "Dijkstra no doubt already has his spies looking high and low for her." Henselt said while inspecting the rings on his fingers.

"I'm just going to say it." Meve began. "Princess Cirilla created far less trouble for us when she was dead." she said in a monotone and slightly annoyed tone. She stated the obvious while at the same time keeping a low profile for her daughter. They may not have the best relationship but she is still her daughter. 

"We'll put a bounty on the girl." Foltest suggested and all the other men at the table started nodding. Meve rolled her eyes. "And anyone who protects her." Tissaia added. "That's quite barbarous. Even for me." Meve said with a not-very-pleased expression. "Welcome to the Brotherhood." 

They raised their mugs and agreed with a synchronized "Aye." Everyone, except for Queen Meve.

To be continued...

-- In "Extraordinary Things | Geralt of Rivia X OC | The Witcher FF" --

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