Chapter 9 - Comes in hand-y -

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My eyes shot open as I heard footsteps and men talking. They tried to speak quietly, they were planning on attacking us. "Take the horse. It'll be worth some good coin." he whispered. I closed my eyes again. Pretending that I was still asleep, just like Jaskier was. "The woman, take her as well." he ordered and I wrapped my hands around the handle of my iron sword, which was lying beside me on the ground. I felt the hand of one of the bandits reach for my shoulder and mere inches before he Woldt touch me, he lost his hand. 

He screamed in pain as his cut-off hand flew trog the air. He held his arm and watched with squirmed eyes how the blood was squirting out of the stump that was left. "You bloody bitch!" his colleague yelled and raised his wooden bat to lunge at me with it. I dodged it with ease and kicked him in the hollow of his knees. He fell to the ground, headfirst into the ashes of the campfire of last night. "Don't touch Amber." I growled as I felt the presence of another man near the mare. "Or else what?" he challenged me and I turned around, my sword pointed at him. He gulped. He looked from the tip of the blade towards my face and his eyes widened. "You cunt, didn't tell me she was a fucking Witcher!" he exclaimed and raised both his hands gesticulating widely. 

"How was I supposed to know?! Never knew they breed females as well now." the man, I had cut off the hand yelled back in between hisses. He held his stump and tried to put his shirt around it, to stop the bleeding. "Two bloody swords, you bastard!" he shouted and backed off of Amber as I stepped closer to him, my blade almost making contact with his chest. I cleared my throat. "Take your friends and piss off." I demanded and lowered my blade. I grabbed the wrist of the man with ashes in his face as he tried to hit me, while my back was facing him. "Before I change my mind." I added and shot the man a death glare and let go of his hand. He clenched his jaw and growled a little and left reluctantly with his two colleagues.

"Jaskier." I called my friend who was still in deep slumber. I rolled my eyes and picked up a branch from the ground. I threw it at him yet he didn't wake. "Jaskier." I called him again, this time a little louder. He kept sleeping. I kneeled beside him and shook him slightly. "Jaskier." I tried again but he kept sleeping. I sighed loudly and stood up again, crossing my arms. "I'm sure this lute would make good firewood." I said with a small smirk. His eyes and his upper body as well, shot up, sitting straight up. "Don't you dare!" he yelled and immediately hugged his lute tightly. "You're finally awake." I said and started packing up all the stuff we had that wasn't yet in Ambers saddlebags.

"I was awake for a while." he said and lifted his nose as he stood up from the ground. "Of course you were." I rolled my eyes at him. "I bet you could've handled the bandits that were here only seconds ago quite well on your own, right?" I asked and wiped off the blood of my steel blade what made Jaskier look at me in shock. "Did you kill 'em?" he asked as he pointed at my sword. I snorted. "No." I said as I put the cloth and my sword back again. "Just lifted one of them of the weight of his hand." I chuckled and packed the last of the items into the saddlebags. "Is that his hand?" Jaskier asked in disgust as he saw the cut-off hand next to the fire pit. I looked at the blood-covered hand. It had chunks of dirt and ash on it and it would soon attract ravens, flies, and other bugs. "Yeah, maybe he thought it comes in hand-y." I said dryly but with a tiny grin. "Ha-ha." he imitated a laugh.

"So- uh, how long 'til we arrive in Lyria?" Jaskier asked as I got up on Amber. "This evening we should be there if there are no further unpleasant encounters." I mumbled the last part in annoyance as I thought about what could get in the way on these roads. Wraiths, Necrophags, grave hags. None of them is hard to defeat but it takes time as these bastards always crawl or teleport away when in danger. 

"Why so quiet?" I asked him as we rode in silence. Geralt would have nudged me for that because that would lead to Jaskier singing very soon. "Oh, I- I'm just working on a new song. Can't let you hear it until it's done." he answered and I raised a brow. What was that swing in his voice? Insecurity? No, Jaskier would never be insecure about a song of his. Embarrassment? Jaskier is never embarrassed. Well, not about saying things. "I'd still like to hear it." I kind of demanded. The past days have been so quiet. I would appreciate a song. He started to mumble something and then reluctantly started strumming his lute.

"The King called on the kingdom
To gather all their best
To slay a mighty dragon
Because it was his pest

A strange little man came forth
To request a deft assist
But the Witcher was quite reluctant
The story had a twist

The Golden One with the golden rules
Two warrior belles with all the tools
More dazzling than all the jewels
Oh they showed us we're all fools
They showed us we're all fools
Oh we're just fools

The old little man fell swiftly
Off a cliff and to his death
We sadly mourned the loss
Thought we'd witnessed his last breath

But then he breathed some fire
On the goon that came his way
'Cause he was a golden dragon
Not a man with temples gray

The Golden One with the golden rules
Two warriors belles with all the tools
More dazzling than all the jewels
Oh they showed us we're all fools
They showed us we're all fools
Oh we're just fools

The Witcher loved his woman
The princess beauty
And the solemn golden dragon
Told them that it was to be

The wise sad dragon's truths
Broke what never could repair
But that lovable old lutenist
Won the hearts of the huntress pair

Oh the Golden One with the golden rules

Two long-necked warriors with all the tools
More dazzling than all the jewels
Oh they showed us we're all fools
They showed us we're all fools
Oh we're just fools

We're just fools"

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