Chapter 40 - Whoreson prison blues -

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I kneeled to the ground and looked through the things that fell from their pockets and, or were still in them. "Redanian crowns."  mumbled as I picked up a coin. "Melitele." Nenneke mumbled behind me. "I have failed you." she added. I looked at her over my shoulder. "Forgive me. These men were after Ciri." I apologized and stood up, reluctantly facing her. "My weapons?" I asked her. She looked at me with a stoic expression. "I need to find her." I said and approached her. "You need to let me take care of your wound." she said as she took my blood-covered hands into hers. She took a bulb from the flowers, she wore as a brooch on her dress and ground them in her hands. 

She put it on my upper arm and held it in place. I fumbled with my fingers as she looked at them. She tilted her head and then looked back at me. "A ring? You never wore jewellery when you were younger." she said and kept her stoic expression. "I still don't." I mumbled and for a part of a second, her gaze was soft. "A wedding ring?" she asked now more curious. I nodded not looking at her but at the ring. She hummed. 

"How did it break?" she then asked and nodded at the broken sphere on the ground that Ciri was given earlier today. "She does that to things." I explained and she nodded. "If what you say about that girl's power is true, you can't help her." she said. I retrieved my arm and walked past her with a groan. "I'll find my own weapons." I said. "What I mean is, Ciri needs more than you can give her now." she said. I turned around. "I swore to protect her! Nenneke, I will not sit back and wait for something worse than a rogue mage and his agenda to happen to her." I said and walked back to face her.

"Do you believe Yennefer mean to harm the girl?" she asked in return. "I wish Yennefer knew of the balance you spoke of. More than you know, I wish it." I explained. "Sometimes, we assume the worst because we fear to hope." she said. I grunted and walked past her in the other direction now. "How can I help you?" she asked, almost begging. "I need you to open a portal."

Jaskier's pov

"It's been a long time travelling
On roads that lead to nowhere
With hopes and dreams 
That always rot" 

I sang to myself while keeping myself company with the mice in my cell feasting on the leftover food on the plate lying on the ground.

"Sometimes it takes a prison cell
The tricks and tales that traitors tell
To help you see that freedom
Is all you've got"

I let the small rat down and walk around again and instead grabbed two old rusty spoons and held them against each other with the backside. I started to play the spoons on my knee since my lute broke long ago... well, after I fucked it up with the man who guarded the ship to Cintra.

"So lock me up
And sock me up
And throw away the key
Go fuck yourself, you whoreson
'Cause you're through fuckin' with me

All together now!

And lock me up
And sock me up
Throw away the key!
Go fuck yourself, you whoreson
'Cause you're through fuckin' with me!

Thank you! Thank you-"

The guard splashed his drink on the floor and used the mug to slam it against the bars of the door to the cell. "Sing another word, and I'll cut your tongue out!" he threatened. "Rude." I said and looked at the mice. "Guys, your harmonies were a little pitchy. Gordon, you're amazing. Talent recognizes talent. let#s go again. Three, four..." I started to play the spoons again.

"And lock me up
And sock me up
And throw away the key"

"That's it! I'm taking a shit!" the guard said and stood up from his chair and left. "Go fuck yourself, you whoreson" I stopped the singing when the guard grunted and suddenly came by as I saw him in the corner of my eye. "'Cause you're through fuckin' with me" I stopped again as he yelled and shuffled with something. "Fucking hell! You know what? We're trying to rehearse in here!" I shouted and put away the spoons. "Gentlemen, I am so sorry. Give me a moment." I spoke to the mice and stood up. 

"I need to deal with this guard's complete lack of decorum. Good sir, you would not know talent if I shoved it up your... Geralt." I said and stopped myself midway, seeing the white-haired Witcher opening the cell's door and standing right in front of me. For a moment it was silent. "Fuck it." I whispered and went to hug him. He hugged back actually, which surprised me. "I've missed you too." that surprised me even more. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked him, trying to act tough, as if this didn't touch me at all. "No time. We need to go." he said and wanted to walk out. "Are you sure?" I asked him and he stopped. "Yes." he looked at me with a frown. "Last time we saw each other, you basically told me to fuck off. Remember? And you left me on a mountain. Have you seen these boots? I mean, I pretty much just slid all the way down that hill back to Caingorn." I started scolding him when he had the audacity to interrupt me. "Jaskier."

"Don't fucking Jaskier me. I'm talking to you. This is how this works." all of a sudden he placed a hand on my shoulder. "I need your help." he said. I fought with myself but how often will the time come that Geralt will ask me for help. As far as I remember he did that once. "Fine. But first..." I said and turned around to face the cell again. 

"Gentlemen, it's been an honour." I said to the mice that were sitting on the bucket and some running around it. When I turned back to the white-haired man he looked at me with a confused gaze. Was he really giving me that look? The audacity again. What? I made new friends. Get over it. Jealous."

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