Chapter 22 - Nightmare of the Wolf -

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Evelyn's pov

I was sitting in a hut, back in Posada. It was near my father's, we finally made enough coin to afford one. The sun was shining through the small window and the chickens outside were clucking happily. The door opened and Geralt stepped inside. A small smile made its way on my lips. "Geralt!" I exclaimed and went to hug him as a welcome. "I was only at the market, Eve." he said chuckling. "I made more than a few pennies thanks to your garden. He said with a smile.

I put a hand on his cheek, stroking it. He leaned in and placed a small and gentle kiss on my lips. "I can't wait to grow old together." he said and walked past me, further into the room. "You, me, and her." he added. I looked a little confused over to him and then down, as I saw something in the corner of my eye. There was a huge baby bump underneath the green simple dress I wore. "The family we always dreamed of."

I woke up, shivering and a cold sweat on my forehead. I gasped and pushed the covers of the bed away. No baby bump. I sighed in relief. I hope Geralt doesn't suffer from nightmares as well. I got up and threw over my grey loose shirt and buttoned it up. The ends I stuffed into my usual pants, over which I put then my dark boots.

"Morning, Vesemir!" I greeted him, as soon as I saw him when I walked down the stairs. He was sitting on a couch near the fireplace above which the skull of the Basilisk still had some daggers in it. The old Witcher was sharpening his swords. "Morning, Eve." He greeted back and looked over his shoulder with a smile. 

I plopped myself on the couch next to him with a sigh. "You alright, wolf?" he asked and kept sharpening his sword. I nodded. "Just a nightmare." I stated and he grunted understanding. "Did you ever wonder what would have happened if you wouldn't have become a Witcher?" I asked him and he abruptly stopped his doing. He raised a brow. "Why? Are you regretting your curiosity in our basement?" he chuckled. I shook my head. "No, never!" I answered. 

He sighed. "I did wonder, yes." he admitted. "However, I became a Witcher by choice." He said and I raised my brows. "Really? Why?" I asked another question. He started laughing. "Asks the right one." he chuckled. "I saw a Witcher help the wife of the man I worked for as a child." he started to explain. 

"I was just staring at this delicious looking honey cake, when my father shouted at me. I had to help them tie up the wife of said man, I told you about. She was giggling and wailing at the same time. It was strange. It seemed like she was possessed. Her husband pushed her down so my father and a maid could tie her hands to the bedposts. Not in a way anyone would like it.

My father shouted again. 'I told you, double knots!' he started scolding me. I told him, that I did. I really did, he himself showed me. They doubted me in everything I did, that they even questioned if I was able to get a wet cloth. The rich man asked my father why he wouldn't sell me to another family. I wanted to believe that it was him caring about me that he sent me to the market, so I didn't have to hear more of the insults towards me. Blue gum he told me to bring.

The donkey never was one to obey anything. Every single time I had to fight with it to get the reins strapped on right. Especially during the winters, it was hard. My fingers went blue and numb from all the fumbling while the cold ate me up alive. That time, it was winter. After the donkey stopped I had a snowball thrown at me. I remember these events like they were yesterday. 

My best friend, Illyana. She was the prettiest girl I knew. Blonde long hair, blue eyes and adorable freckles." he sighed dreamingly and interrupted his story for a moment. "You had a crush on her." I smirked at him and nudged Vesemir's arm. He chuckled. "I did." he admitted and scratched his neck. "What happened to her?" I asked and tilted my head. "I killed her." my jaw dropped slightly. "Why? Was she possessed as well? Did she fall ill?" I asked and he shook his head at both assumptions. "Years later, when she was an old lady already, while I still looked like in my 20's, an elf put an illusion on me, on her, on everything. I thought she was someone else." he said and lowered his head. 

"What happened before that? You were just a boy when you had to fetch blue gum." I said at what he nodded confirming it. "I ran away. I wanted to become a Witcher. Deglan, the Witcher that saved the wife, drew a circle made out of salt around the bed the woman was tied to. She was indeed possessed, plagued by a demon. A Mahr. He ordered us all out. I wanted to stay. My father didn't want me to.

'Your boy's likely seen a monster or two in his time, no?' he asked my father. Without another word, he left the room and I got an old bag thrown right into my face. Deglan was casting the spell and I had to to catch it. I asked him why catch it when Witchers slay monsters. He told me, which he often repeated during training. 'To slay a beast, you've first got to understand it. Study it. Find its weakness.' 

He mumbled in Elder and a blue flame ignited from the salt. The woman yelled, groaned and was pulling the ropes to free herself. She ripped open her nightgown and vomited. She, or more like the demon, charged at Deglan. Of course, he didn't want to be removed and then killed. I was terrified, I tell you. Her head was then leaning from the bed in my direction, looking at me with white and dead eyes. Her mouth opened and an eight-legged demon crawled out of it to jump right at me. 

I couldn't catch it. I crawled away, through the room, on the wall then the ceiling. Before it reached the window to run away, Deglan threw a dagger and killed it. 'Better dead than fled.' he said. Looking back now, my first monster doesn't seem so spectacular. I was a helpless lad. I was angry at that moment with myself because he told me he wanted it alive, but-" 

"There'll always be another monster. That's where you got that from." I interrupted him. He smiled and nodded.

I followed Deglan outside just when he wanted to ride off. For the first time, I held a heavy bag of coin in my hands. Witchers made good coin back then. I ran after him, wanting him to take me in, so I could become a Witcher. Not many boys seek to become a Witcher. But, even fewer seek a life of fetching bedpans and water... That's what I did. I was ready to leave on the spot."

"Then what about Illyana?" I asked him. He huffed amused. "That's what he said to. I hesitated because of her. And Witchers do not hesitate. However, a day later I made up my mind. I left her and everyone without telling anyone, to seek this place here and become a Witcher."

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