Chapter 41 - Where is she in your worries? -

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Geralt's pov

Jaskier kept on rambling and emphasising what kind of an asshole I was for leaving him. I stopped listening after a while and kept walking him behind me and still not shutting up. "Oh, blessed nectar. I have not washed in quite some time, and I'm beginning to smell like a Nilfgaardian's ballsack." he cheered and went past me as soon as he saw the small lake. "So if you'll excuse me, hold this." he said and took off his red leather coat. 

I had to stripe it off of his arm as he walked away not fully without the jacket yet. He stepped along the rocks in the water and began to pull off his white-greyish shirt. "I have been looking forward to this!" he shouted which echoed in the cave that was on the other side of the lake. He stepped into the water. "God, it's cold! Whew!" he exclaimed. What did he expect? Winter's not fully over yet. "Whew, you could hang portraits off my nipples right now." he said and fumbled with his shirt and spotted the stain of blood on it.

"You're the expert. How do you get blood out?" he asked and started to wash the shirt in the lake. "What was Yennefer doing in Oxenfurt?" I asked him. She said she ran into Jaskier and If I remember correctly, the first thing she told me was 'If I leave her again' which means she was, hopefully, referring to Evelyn. Perhaps Jaskier knew anything about that. "Well, she was saving my life." he said. I frowned. "What?" Jaskier chuckled along. "Yeah, I know. I'm as surprised as you are, seeing as I trust her about as far as I could wring her stringy, weird neck, but it's true." he said and wrung out his shirt.

"She risked her life for me. I always knew there was some deeper feeling for me beneath all that rage and... hair. She's got a lot of hair, that woman." he said and I rolled my eyes. "What was her angle?" I asked him as he stepped out of the water. "Not an attractive one. She was on the run. She'd lost her magic. She was almost tolerable." I frowned. "She lost her magic?" I asked rather confused. "Yeah, I know! It was great!" he laughed and then suddenly stopped. "Unless she was lying." his expression dropped. "Only just realizing now she might have been lying."

"Fuck! Oh, Jaskier, you moron!" he shouted into the cave which echoed back then. "Because if she wasn't lying, then how did she magically disappear into thin air when she was imprisoned in the whorehouse?" he asked more himself than me. "Tell me exactly what happened in Oxenfurt." I demanded. "When the Redanian guards grabbed her, she muttered something about forests, and mothers, and huts, and then she just sort of disappeared, so-" he said and threw his shirt on the ground. "'Turn your back to the forest, hut, hut'?" I asked him. "'Turn your front to me, hut, hut.' Yeah, that's what she said." he said and approached me. "She's in league with the Deathless Mother." I said and held his coat in his direction.

"Well, she sounds like a hoot. Who is the Deathless Mother, Geralt?" he asked, still not taking his coat but fumbling with his hands and walking in place. "Voleth Meir. The first Witchers were hired to imprison her. They entombed her in her hut." I explained. "But someone's gone and opened up the door. That someone being..." he said, implying Yennefer. "She wouldn't." I said and shook my head. "She would. What? Sacrifice your Child Surprise to get her magic back? You bet your bloated biceps she would." he said.

"Voleth Meir is a demon that feeds on pain... We need to go to Cintra." I said and urged the coat into Jaskier's hands. He took it but stopped me. "Whoa, whow, wow. Stop. See, I was wondering... where is Evelyn in your worries there? She fell out of your mind? Forgot about her so soon?" he said and I clenched my jaw, turning back to him. "Leave her and run after another woman... Geralt, I really thought-" I interrupted him as I stepped closer to him. "I didn't." I growled and he raised his hands. "Shouldn't you be looking for her like she's for you." he asked and I tilted my head.

"She's looking for me?" I asked with a frown. "Well... was. It's been a month or two since we last saw each other." he said and fumbled with the collar of his coat. "She got me this lovely jacket." he smiled to himself. "Where were you?" I asked, my voice suddenly much more worried than before. "Lyria. She was getting armour and I don't know where she headed afterwards." he said and shrugged. He kneeled next to his shirt to take it when an axe came flying from the hill right into the shirt. "Someone really didn't like my shirt!" he said and backed off of it a little.

There was chuckling from the direction from where the axe came and I had a feeling who it was, so we walked up the hill towards them. "Yarpen Zigrin." I said as the smirking dwarf with a long ginger beard approached us. "Your aim's gone to shit." I added. "And if it isn't the White fuckin' Wolf and the big fuckin' mouth." he said and we shook hands. The dwarf turned around. "Put your weapons down, numpty arseholes." he ordered. "This is an old friend."

"Uh, friends. Plural." Jaskier corrected. "Julian Alfred Pankratz, Viscount-" Jaskier introduced himself again and handed Yarpen his axe. "Yeah, I know. And I would have used 'friends' if I saw this charming lady of yours." he said and looked over at me. "What are you doin' out here in the middle of east bloody nowhere, you warlock?" he asked and we approached the campfire. 

"I could ask you the same question. Aren't you supposed to be the lord of a vassal state in Caingorn?" I asked. "Ach." he groaned. "Lording's for peacocks and pissants. We run the roads for Henselt now. Protect his convoys. Pays better."

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