Chapter 46 - We believe in you -

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I rolled out of the way of the fangs of one of the basilisks. I huffed as I got back to my feet and blew a strand of hair out of my face. It was useless, wind was whooshing yet again through the room as another portal had opened behind Ciri. The ground rumbled and I mentally groaned. Vesemir and Geralt, who were facing Ciri took a few steps back. Through the portal, another one of those basilisks made its way into the hall. A white one that was even bigger than the others hissed and charged directly at the two Witchers, sending them across the room.

Vesemir crashed into one of the tables, almost in front of me. My gaze then followed Geralt who had been thrown much farther, to be exact outside onto the bridge. The basilisk roared and ignored every other one in the room and charged at Geralt.

Barely in time, I dodged the bite of one of the beasts with my blade being stuck between its teeth. I groaned as the basilisk put more weight onto the blade and underneath this, I got pushed away a little from it. Retracting my blade from it, I steadied my stance. The basilisk hissed at the big cut it had now in its jaw.

The beast turned its head. Lambert had his sword slashed through the shoulder, a big injury clutching there now. He nodded at me which I returned and now fought the basilisk together, which made it easier. Not easy but easier to fight it than trying to dodge the attacks while also striking it alone. 

Vesemir limped past us. I turned my head in his direction when I saw him ram a dagger into Ciri's stomach. My eyes widened and I got pushed back as the basilisk managed to hit me with its wing, decorating my cheek with a cut. I groaned and with the back of my hand wiped away the blood on my cheek. From the corner of my eye, I could see Jaskier leaving the "safety" from underneath the table and running across the room.

"Move!" Lambert yelled and shoved Jaskier away. I caught him by his arm before he would fall to the ground but the jasper in his hand fell either way. His eyes were wide when the open mouth of the basilisk neared us but Lambert distracted it quickly. I nodded away from the scene and Jaskier quickly understood.

Lambert and I circled the basilisk and lunged with our swords at the neck of the beast. Its head was now trapped on the ground. Coen lifted his sword and rammed it through the skull and in the meanwhile the others managed to get the last one down as well. I sighed in relief and looked over at Geralt who managed to come out of the fight he had outside unharmed.

"Let's finish this Geralt." Coen demanded as he pulled his sword out of the basilisk's head. Geralt looked behind him where the jasper was lying. "Jasper gives the courage to rectify wrongs." he mumbled and turned back to Ciri. "Hate." he added. Ciri, Voleth Meir, smiled a little and sighed in agreement. "Our hate is the pain she needs to grow stronger. Let's not give her what she wants." Geralt explained and looked briefly at us.

"Ciri, if you can hear me, if you can hear us, come home." He said. Ciri looked at the ground her smug smile leaving her expression. We all stepped next to Vesemir and Geralt. "She doesn't want to be here." Voleth Meir said as her gaze slowly lifted itself from the ground. "She isn't yours." she added. "It's not working, Wolf." Vesemir mumbled. Coen sighed. "Come back to us, Ciri. Can you hear us, girl?" he asked. "I believe in you. I'm sorry for what I did" Vesemir now spoke. The green in Ciri's eyes began to glow even more and the yellowish lines around her eyes as well, almost pulsating even. "I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying right here. Living in her. Forever." Voleth Meir said with a satisfied smile on her face.

"Her hut burned." Geralt figured. "She needs a vessel to exist within this sphere. Ciri can't escape." he added as he realised that it would be useless. "Unless..." he mumbled. Yennefer threw a small bottle to the ground, smashing it into many pieces and the yellow liquid flowed through the cracks in the ground, mixing up with the dust. "Unless I right this wrong." Yennefer said and kneeled down to the shards. "My wounds wouldn't heal." she said and grabbed a larger sharp piece of glass before approaching Ciri. "Yennefer." Geralt said. "Because magic wasn't what I was missing. I can be the vessel. For her."

She sliced open her wrists and groaned in pain as the dark blood started to flow out of her wrists and to the ground. She turned around to face Voleth Meir who backed off with fear written all over her face. Yennefer started to speak elder and the room was yet again filled with howling wind. "No!" Ciri exclaimed and backed off further until she reached the broken medallion tree.

Ciri extended her arms, Voleth Meir not as powerful and present anymore as it was moments ago. Sparks like the ones from a dying fire emitted from her body. Geralt rushed forward and grabbed her shoulders. "I know you're afraid, Ciri, but what you see in there... it isn't real." he said. 

"Ciri." I said now and walked up to her. Geralt looked at me and extended his hand slightly to me. I grabbed his hand and tried now as well to speak Ciri out of this. "We belong together." Geralt said and looked back at Ciri. "You, us, it's not perfect, but it is real." he added. "It's yours. We are your family and we need you." I said and went to touch her shoulder. She slowly closed her eyes and her body went limp. We caught her just before she would hit the ground, us kneeling next to her.

The sparks kept flying out of Ciri until they eventually faded, Yennefer taking them in. Ciri opened her eyes again and her face was filled with fear. She looked at Geralt "Ciri, we don't have much time. We need to trap Voleth Meir once and for all." Geralt explained. Ciri looked over at Yennefer who hissed slightly as she took in the rest of the sparks. "If you can pull monsters through the monolith, you can send one back again." I finished Geralt's suspicion which made Ciri notice me and look at me in confusion. "What?" she asked.

"You can do this." Geralt approved and helped her stand back up. "But I don't know if I can-" she started to mutter, her voice shaking as well as her body. "I-" Geralt started and looked at me. "We believe in you." he said and I smiled a little. Ciri started to look between us and then slowly nodded. "All right." she said and turned away to the medallion tree, attempting to open another portal. 

"Oh, not again." Jaskier said as the wind whooshed past all of us.

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