Chapter 39 - Fire fucker -

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"What changed your mind about claiming the girl? You seemed so certain it was a mistake back then." Yennefer asked as we walked through the halls, this maze of a building. The hundreds of candles were the only light source at the moment, otherwise, it would be dark in here. "Many things changed my mind. She among them." I explained.

"I ran into Jaskier. In Oxenfurt." I stopped in my tracks and looked at her with semi-wide eyes. "He was in some trouble." she added. "What kind of trouble?" I asked her and she crossed her arms. "This fire fucker was after him. A mage. I don't know who he was. He was looking for information. About you." she said. I nodded. "He's looking for Ciri." I put the pieces together. "Why? What is she to him?" she asked. I tilted my head. "Yen, your heart has been beating fast this whole time. You're nervous." I stated.

"So?" she asked. "Why are you here?" I asked her and stepped back a little. "I have some wounds that refuse to heal." she said. I frowned and sighed. "You still want to have a child?" I asked her with a raised brow. She shook her head. "No, it's... it's different this time." she said. I nodded and pat her shoulder. "I need to find Ciri." 

The further I got into the halls the lesser candles were ignited. I heard voices and light coming from another hall. "Ciri!" I exclaimed as I saw her in a circle of fire, backing off of a group of men. I used Aard on them but one of the men protected the group with a barrier of fire. Fire fucker... that's why she called him that.

"Well, if I'd known to follow you from Oxenfurt, it would've saved me a spy mission to Kaer Morhen." he said and I stood in front of Ciri. Yennefer followed close by. "Nice scar, shithead." she spat. "Fire fucker?" I asked her to clarify my thoughts. "Unfortunately, yes." she confirmed. "Take Ciri. I'll find you afterwards." I said and the mage did as told. She grabbed Ciri by the arm and brought her away from the scene. "Come on."

The smirks grew on the faces of the men as they readied their weapons and circled me. This would be a lot easier if I had my swords but I'm up for the challenge. I sighed before punching one of them in the face to catch him off guard and to take one of my problems off of the list. The one, opposite from him, lunged with his sword at me and I dodged it and used the momentum to punch one in the face and at the same strike the one who lunged at me as well. 

The first one, who I punched sliced his sword through my shirt, cutting open a wound at my waist. I put one hand over it and growled. I took the chair from behind me and let the one in front of me ram his sword into it after I pushed someone away with it. From the corner of my eye, I saw the fire fucker walk in the direction Yennefer and Ciri just went. I crushed the stool over one's head and barely dodged the blade that would have split my skull. I punched him in the stomach and grabbed him by the neck to push him into a pillar and disarm him then. Afterwards, my fist landed against his jaw and sent blood along with a tooth flying through the air.

After this one was on the ground, I had to deal with two more. The one with the pitchfork lunged at me. I pulled him by the pitchfork over and onto a table. As the next one charged at me I blocked his sloppy hits until I was able to punch him without him having the chance to defend himself. As one of them recovered, I grabbed his head and slammed it onto the table and punched his face and arm several times and disarmed him to use the sword against one of his colleagues. One charged at me and I used the one, I was holding onto, as a shield as he got pierced through his upper body.

The one, without a sword, anymore tackled me into another table which broke through the impact. He used one of the fallen off metal ornaments and tried to stab me but I used Aard and sent him into the sword that I was holding upright next to me. The pitchfork guy came back and I used the sword to stick it through the spikes, so it would block the hit. Yet again, with Aard, I broke his pitchfork and was done now with this one as well. However, without any swords I couldn't knock them out properly having to fight them bare-handed, meaning they would recover much quicker.

I used a heavy book to whack it on someone's head who stumbled backwards then. I let the book fall and kicked another in the knees, bringing him down and then punching him in the face, which luckily knocked him out. From another, I blocked a strike with his sword and snatched it from him to ram it then into his shoulder blade and make it come out in the front of his chest. The last one standing now held onto a tall candle holder but I was beginning to grow tired of it and slashed his arm off before his throat was next to be sliced.

I was then facing to face with the fire fucker who tried to burn the room open in which Yennefer and Ciri ran. I aimed and threw the sword at him. He backed off and let himself fall into a black portal. "Ciri!" I called her and rushed towards where the mage just stood. The door had small holed brunt into it and I saw an open portal through which Ciri just ran. "Yen." I called her before she walked through it. "Stop." I asked her. "I wish I could." she said before walking through the portal. 

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