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 "Just pull the chain," said Hadley. "The water flows from that tank down into the bowl and flushes everything away."

"But what happens if it's not working?" asked Maury.

"Like the vanity light," said Lou Edna.

"I don't want to be wearing the gush of the flush from that tank, Hadley. Do you? Or worse. The only dipping we do should be in the pool."

"Well, Maury, the only thing we can do is try it and see if it's operational," Hadley said.

Lou Edna reached up and gave the chain a yank.

"Works like a charm," said Lou Edna. "Though I can't tell you when the last time was that I stood in the bathroom with company and watched the water flush."

"Me neither," said Maury. "I'm just glad we didn't take a drenching. I don't relish calling back Handy Andy. That man gives me the creeps."

"Stop that," said Hadley. "Your toenails done?"

"Yeah," said Maury, wiggling her naked toes. "Don't they look spiffy?"

As Hadley and Lou Edna exited the bathroom, Lou Edna whispered into her friend's ear, "I didn't want to hurt her feelings, but they sure woulda' looked a whole lot better in a brighter shade of pink."

Hadley just rolled her eyes.

"You done unpacking your trunks and suitcases, totes and duffels, Lou?"

"Oh, stop exaggerating," said Lou Edna. "I'll have you know I packed light for this trip."

"Light? Is that why we had to hire that camel caravan and the extra elephant herd to make sure we could get all your stuff from the car into the room?"

"Hadley," Lou Edna said, "you kill me."

"What are you looking for, Lou?" Hadley asked.

Lou Edna's head was immersed in one of her many bags.

"My string bikini," she said.

"Let's opt for shorts, tees, and some comfortable walking shoes," Maury chimed in.

"We're going exploring, not vying for the Mountain Beauty Queen award," said Hadley. "Give me a minute. I want to check up on Beanie and make sure that cat hasn't torn the house down by now."

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