"Daniel, where's our money?"
"I have most of it."
"No, we need all of it."
I stay hidden around the corner.
"I... I don't have it. Please, just give me one more week."
"No. You can always give us your sister... or we can shoot you."
"You can't have my sister... please, anything else."

I come around the corner with my head down. I'm playing with my hands. It's then that I realize I'm in a sports bra and spandex shorts.
"I'll go with them Danny," I murmur.
Daniel whips around and hurries over to me, "No fucking way Cass. It's too dangerous."
"It's worse if you get shot! I'm going Danny, I have to."
He sighs, "Go pack a bag..."

I kiss his cheek and run to my room. I hastily pack a bag and then get changed after showering. I walk back out in shorts and a crop top. I have on my nicest white sneakers that aren't really white anymore. The colors in my crop top are faded and my shorts barely fit anymore. My duffel bag is falling apart and all my other clothes are faded as well. Daniel and I haven't been able to get new clothes as we've been trying to get the money for these men.

"Her clothing is shit. What a brother you are," The fifth man, Valentin, tells my brother.
"Don't! We've been trying to get YOUR money! We haven't had any to spare for clothes! We've barely had enough for food! This is YOUR fault asshole!" I yell at him.
I finally look at the brothers side by side, they're identical twins and I don't know how to tell them apart except by their voices. Valentin stalks over to me and pins me against the wall. His touch sends shivers down my spine. He adds just a little bit of pressure and yet it turns me on.

How can I be attracted to him?!

"You wanna tell me it's my fault again?" He snarls.
I shake my head and he releases me.
"Let's go," Volkov tells us.
One of their friends takes my bag and walks out.
"I'll get the money, Cass, I'll save you!" Daniel tells me as they lead me out.
"I know!" I call behind me.

I sit between the twins in the car, not sure who's who. Volkov starts rubbing my thigh. I feel the same sparks I felt with Valentin. We get to a huge mansion and they lead me upstairs.
"This is my room," Valentin tells me, "If you even think of leaving the house without me or Volkov, there will be consequences."
"Okay," I walk into the room and immediately jump on the bed, "It's so soft."

I flop down on my back. I feel the bed dip on either side of me. Next thing I know, their hands are on my thighs, stomach, neck, and face. My eyes close and I give in. My body is tingling all over the place from their touches. One of them finds my breasts while the others hand slips into my shorts.
I moan out breathlessly, "S-Stop!"
"We give the commands around here," Volkov whispers in my ear.
"I-I'm underage!"

Their hands leave my body.
"Why didn't you tell us sooner?
"I-I... I liked it... I... I'm just tired."
"You slept till 12 today. You can't be tired," Valentin tells me, growing impatient, "When do you turn 18?"
"Today at 1:13..."
"It's 1:14. We'll be gentle," Volkov whispers in my ear.
Fear fills my eyes, "I-I'm tired! I didn't go to bed until like 6:30 this morning..."

"I'm getting annoyed with your stupid antics, Cassandra," Volkov has a clear tone of annoyance.
"Leave her be, Volkov. You scare her now and she'll never warm up to us," Valentin scolds his brother.
Volkov sighs, "Get some sleep my little villain."
My eye lids begin to get heavy and I fall asleep quickly. When I wake up, they're both still there. I'm under the covers and they're playing on their phones. I snuggle into Valentin and almost fall asleep again.

"Sorry, you have to get up and eat dinner now," Volkov rubs my hip.
I turn towards him, "Do I have to?"
He smiles and I nearly melt into the bed.
"Yes, baby, you have to."
"Can't it be in bed?"
They look at each other and I look between them.
They both sigh.
"Okay fine, what do you want?" Valentin looks down at me.
"Chicken nuggets!"

Valentin gets up after kissing my head. He leaves and I get to spend some time with Volkov. I sit up and lean against him.
"I...I'm sorry..." I murmur, playing with his hand.
"Why?" He looks down at me but I don't notice.
"For wanting to sleep... my parents were always mad at me for sleeping too much... I thought I got better because I needed to get better for my brother... I was getting better but I guess I got worse again... I won't stay up late and I won't sleep in anymore, I promise... just please don't hate me..."

"I don't hate you. I could never hate you baby."
He puts his phone down and pulls me onto his lap. I burn crimson red and Valentin walks in.
"There you go, Volkov. She likes when you're nice and patient," Valentin smirks as he hands me my plate.
I happily take it and attempt to get off of Volkov's lap. He doesn't let me and I glare at him.
"I want to get off," I tell him.
"I don't care," He says rudely.
I shut my mouth and stare down at my plate. I slowly start eating. Valentin hands Volkov a plate and keeps one for himself.

"Smooth Vee," Valentin sighs, pulling my legs straight out, towards him.
"She's going to have to learn to be less sensitive," Volkov tells his brother, bending my legs again, back towards him.
"She's not being sensitive, she's obeying. She's a quick learner," He straightens my legs again.
"Would you please stop fucking doing that?!" Volkov snaps and I move my legs back without his help as fast as I can.
I rest my plate on my legs, still in my hands with most of my nuggets uneaten.
Valentin notices right away, "Baby? You have to eat."

I look up at him and then back down at my plate. I continue eating.
"Can I ask a question?" I ask timidly.
"You can always ask a question," Valentin tells me gently.
"But we might not always answer," Volkov finishes.
"Will I live with you guys for the rest of my life?"

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