My Angels!

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We both came out of her room and headed towards the lounge where girls were already gossiping.

"Girls Tannie has to say something.", i said and they all looked at her.
"I'm sorry.", Tannie said as her gaze was lowerd due to guilt.
Jiminie stood up and came towards us. Then she looked at me and smiled and hugged Tannie saying,
"Tannie its okay, we know things are going tough for you but trust us, none of us wants your bad. We all are with you and we will love u and respect your decisons.".
Tannie gor tears in her eyes becoz she realized how foul she was thinking about Jiminie.
Jiminie then looked at me and said,
"You belong to her only.", to which Tannie quickly cut her off and said,
"No he doesnt, he belongs to all of us and if anyone of u dared to leave me completely to him i will kick your asses. He is tough to handle. I need u all.", to which all of them laughed.
"Hey what do you mean by that?", i said as i pouted. Tannie and Jiminie laughed where as others joined them.

After that everything sorted out and i took a warm shower to sooth up my body becoz the pain that i bore in past 3 days was something that one can experience in hell only, so my body begged for some medication and nothing seemed perfect than a hot bath.
I came out and wore this and headed downstairs.

I came out and wore this and headed downstairs

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I headed to lounge but nobody was there.
"Girls where are you?", i asked and then they all came from kitchen one by one holding varaity of dishes.
I gave a confused laughed and asked,
"What is this all for?"
Jinu replied as she placed the salad on the table, "Pabo you were missing for damn 3 days. God knows where u were and what u ate so this is all for you.", this brought a wide smile to my face.
"I guess u all have decided to make me look like a potato before you all leave huh?", i asked as i approached them.
"What ever you say, now come on before my hardwork gets cold.", Sugi said.
So we all sat and started eating the food.
"Gosh u girls make so good food, please marry me.", i said to which they all laughed.
"You are proposing us all at once.", Kookie said while laughing.
"What's the issue, u all are virgins and i'm handsome so why not?", i said and they kinda blushed as i saw that pink tint forming on their adorable, chubby cheeks.
"Okie girls after food what do you say that we head out. I dont know how u girls spent that time staying in the house when i was gone.", i said.
"Oh no you rest u must be tired.", Hobi said.
"I was my sunshine until i saw your gleaming face.", i said and Hobi turned red.
"How much can you flirt Mr. David.", Jiminie asked.
"My love, this is nothing, i can straight away make you all wet just by a few words. If you wanna see then wait for tonight all of you.", i said and i could literally hear their heartbeats right now hahaha.

So after dinner, girls went inside their rooms to change where as i sat in the lounge and chatted with my boys. Of course i have friends. What do you think i'm alone here aswell.

Uzzang Boys:

Kiash: Buddy where the hell is your ass lost?
Yewiz: Excatly David, no contact from the past whole week.
Ivan: Dude just passed away and didnt even call us at his funeral.
Me: Aish i am alive guys, just busy.
Kiash: What pain in your ass got u so busy?
Giroz: Aish Kiash can you just get out of asses, please.
Ivan: Buddy's life exist in assses.
Me: Shut up guys, actually my cousins came over so i was busy with them.
Terry: You never told u had cousins.
Giroz: Yes, since when u started hiding things from us?
Me: Guys lemme speak first.
Kiash: Yes speak, before i kick your ass.
Ivan: Buddy's obsession with asses.
Terry: Shut up.
Yewiz: You guys speak so much shit, let David speak.
Giroz: Yes David.
Me: Thanks, well i have 7 cousins and they all are here, Right now they r in their rooms getting ready as I will be going out with them.
Terry: R they girls or boys?
Me: Girls why?
Kiash: Now i got it where his ass was busy.
Ivan: Buddy got some hot sessions during this week.
Me: Yaaah shut up, nothing is like that and i respect them all and they are ur sisters so dont u dare talk shit about them or else, imma whoop all of your asses.
Giroz: Aish why would we, we already have girlfriends.
Yewiz: Yes, we were saying that becoz of you.
Ivan: Aish shut up, and tell are u free tomorrow?
Me: Why?
Kiash: So that we can kick your ass?
Me: Huh?
Terry: He means so that we can meet you. Its been long.
Me: Sure as long as u all promise to behave with my cousins.
Ivan: Oooh u guys see the possisive brother mode is on.
Me: Shut up they arent my sisters okie.
Giroz: Aish David, no one can understand u.
Terry: Okie plan confirmed, cancel all your plans for tomorrow, we will crash your house okie.
Me: Okie. I gotta go, girls have come down.
Kiash: Here goes his ass again.
Yewiz: Can u just get out of this freakin asses.
You left the chat room.

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