Poor Toe!

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I went inside the lab where I saw two nasty yet 'scaring-to-death' glares on me, it was from Hoseok and Yoongi. I stood away from them becoz I didn't want to get into any more problems with them. It was the topic of Kinetic energy we were about to start today.
"Okay students, we will study this topic in groups. By this you guys will understand it in a more efficient way and help each other out if you all have any queries.", the teacher said.
I gulped again as I saw both of them angrily staring at me again. Sir started to make groups and you won't believe what happened to me, I ended up with these 2 boys.
"Y/n, Yoongi, and Hoseok you 3 will form a group.", sir said and all 3 of us yelled together, "NO!", they both got shocked and looked at me.
"I don't wanna hear any no's, Y/n go stand next to them.", sir ordered and I followed him.
Their glares intensified even more. Oh boi this will be difficult.

We were writing down our notes and now it was time to perform the practical for better understanding. I brought the weights becoz we had to convert kinetic energy into internal energy. As I was placing the weights on the table I accidentally dropped 0.5 kg weight on Hoseok's foot. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH,", he screamed which caught everyone's attention.
"OMG, I'm so sorry Hoseok, I didn't do it on purpose.", I said while panicking while he held his foot and was hissing in pain.
"Y/n are u blind just look what you did.", Yoongi practically yelled at me.
"I'm sorry I swear it wasn't on purpose.", I said. Sir came to us and said to Yoongi and me to take him to the nurse. Why send me with them? Ahhhh this is the worst day of my life.

Yoongi and I were taking him to the nurse. Hoseok's shoulder was around me and the other one was around Yoongi. "Y/n, why the hell are you always after us?", Yoongi asked very seriously.
"I swear I never did it on purpose.", I said as tears started to come to my eyes.
"Now why the hell are you crying, I should be the one doing this.", Hoseok said.
"Ugghh I'm sick of this girl.", Yoongi said.
We both made him sit on the chair whereas the nurse came with the dressing stuff.
"What happened?", the nurse asked Hoseok as she cleaned the blood from his toe. Both of them looked at me.
"Y/n u did something again?", the nurse said as she looked at me.
"I swear Unnie it was by mistake.", I said while proving myself where as she chuckled and said, "Y/n because of you nearly half of the students end up here."
"I'm sorry.", I said as I looked down when suddenly a few boys approached us. Yes, their group members.
"Omg Jhope are u alright?", Namjoon asked.
"Ooof just look at his poor toe, it's purple.", Jimin said as if he could feel the pain.
"How did this all happen?", Jin and Taehyung asked together. And then Yoongi told everything.
"Oh my God Y/n, like do u have any personal grudges with us?", Namjoon literally bursted at me.
"I have told all of you to stay away from her, why don't u all listen.", Jin angrily said.
"I was away from her, she just simply threw it.", Hoseok yelled back.
"No, it wasn't intentional.", I said.
"Y/n fine, we got it u don't like us but that doesn't mean you should start hurting us.", Yoongi said.
"No....", I was saying when the nurse interrupted, "Students don't fight here, and Hoseok you cant move otherwise the blood will start flowing again. Take some rest here."
"Yes Noona.", Hoseok said and they all glared at me. I just simply took my bag and ran away from there.

I had tears in my eyes, no matter how hard I try to be nice I end up messing things up. I just think I don't belong in this world, coz the whole universe is against me.

It was now 4 pm, my last class, and then I will go home. I went inside the class and saw that teacher didn't arrive yet. I went to my usual seat and sat there and took out my phone and started scrolling it when someone came and sat beside me; Jungkook.
"Sup Punk.", he said as he put his shoulder around mine.
"Get off your filthy hands from me.", I said and removed his hand.
"Ouch, that was rude.", he said being dramatic.
"Jungkook why can't u be normal, and why are u sitting here?"
"Hmmm first of all I am normal unlike you who is after people's lives and secondly as far as I know this university doesn't belong to uncle.", he said while smiling.
"What, uncle?", I asked.
"Ahhh girl, your father.", oohhh I got it, he just insulted me.
"You r so dumb.", he said and laughed.
"I hate you Jungkook.", I said.
"Oh wow we have the same feelings for each other.", he said while clapping his hands. I rolled my eyes and started using my phone coz our maths teacher was still not there.
"Whatcha seein'.", Jungkook moved forward and started peeking into my phone.
"Yaah move back, there is something called manners.", I said as I pushed him.
"Is that Taehyungaaah?", he asked as I think he just saw what I was doing.
"W-What, N-No.", I said as I put my phone in my bag.
"I'm sure he was Taehyung...", he was saying when the teacher came in, thank god I'm safe. That was a narrow escape.

After class was done, I grabbed my bag and headed toward the exit when I saw Jackson standing outside.
"Sup Jack.", I said as did my greeting thing with him.
"Yo Y/n, I have another delivery for u.", he said and gave me a bag.
"Jackson who is giving me all these gifts?", I asked.
"Idk, and even if I did I won't tell u.", he said while smirking.
"I know you know, any hints"
"Nah, otherwise he will beat me. Just know that this alien loves you a lot. Okie I'll go now, see ya tomorrow.", he said and went.
I looked at the gift bag, there was a beautiful bracelet in it. Ahhhhhh I don't know who is this person but he sends me gifts and cards, he doesn't even mention his name and only says 'Your Secret Admirer', that's it. But I really like this thing, I really wanna see who he is. I know this may be hilarious and weird but I'm in love with this unknown dude. I know I can never get Taehyung, so maybe I'll see my luck with this alien. I smiled and went towards the parking lot.

But she didn't know someone was seeing her from behind the wall and smiling.

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