Enteraki Yejiya!

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We got out and went inside this restaurant. It was a pretty place.
"So what shall we order?", Jimin said while rubbing his hands.
"Hmmm Samgyeopsal and Jajangmyeon are a must, check what else u all wanna eat.", Taehyung said. He is quite different right now. I mean not like the one I see every day in university. Maybe that's how he is with his friends.
"I'm gonna go for Bibimbap.", Jungkook said.
"What about you Y/n?", Jimin said.
"Guys don't mind but why are you all doing this?", I said well becoz yeah my needle is still stuck at that point.
"Y/n today just think that we are your friends and forget the rest of all the stuff.", Jungkook cleared.
"Ahhh I don't know.", I said while shaking my head.
"Y/n, you are here for less than 2 days, we want that all the bad memories we made with you should get erased, and even if not erased then at least good ones should take over. That's all that we want.", Taehyung assured me.
"Yes, God knows when we will see you again.", Jimin said. Ahhh who will tell them what is about to happen to me?
"Yes and whatever our hyungs said just forget it, sometimes they get shitty but they all are really nice.", Jungkook said which made me giggle.
"Okay so now tell princess what u wanna eat?", Jimin asked.
"Well Japchae, Gimbap, and don't forget Tteok-bokki. It's a must for me.", i said and all 3 of them laughed.

Jimin ordered food and we all ate it and had so much fun. I can't believe they all can be so fun. Like they aren't the boys I know from my university. This is not right coz I really don't wanna change my mind about going. I wanna see what would that place look like and all the mysteries and wonders over there. Nah I won't change my mind.

After food, we went to this palmist who is really famous. His name was 'Enteraki Yejiya', I don't know why these people have weird names, first Auntie Enthabela now this Enteraki dude.
We all sat in front of this 60-year-old man, and Jungkook asked.
"Enterakissi, can you please look at my hand and tell me about my future."
The dude saw his hand and said, "Son, first of all, you will become insanely rich, money will shower upon you and you will have the lifestyle no one could afford...", this brought smiles to all of our faces, then he continued, "..... U like a girl right?", and Jungkook nodded while getting shy.
"She is going away from you, and you want to stop her but fear what if she starts hating you, right?", the dude asked.
"Yes.", Jungkook said and I got so shocked, like does this dude really knows things?
"You have been loving her since the start when u first saw her but in between you got detracted and regret that. But son it's no use becoz when u did that mistake that was the time she fell in love with you.", Jungkook got shocked when he heard those words.
"What she liked me?", he asked.
"Not liked, but loved you, but when she saw you with her, she broke and decided to get over you.", the dude said after which Jungkook started staring at me.
"Yaaahh what happened why are you looking at me?", I asked.
"Aish Jungkook get a side I want to ask about myself.", Jimin said.
"Wait. Can you please tell me will I get her?", Jungkook asked.
"This is kinda difficult to answer, becoz this depends on her. If I see her hand only then will I be able to answer it. But listen something big is going to happen with you real soon.", the dude said and Jungkook came back and sat beside me where as Jimin went next.
"Now tell me about myself Enterakissi.", Jimin said and showed his hand.
"Hmmmm, you are one flirtatious guy, right? Always around ladies.", the dude said and Taehyung laughed and said, "Yes you are right."
"Well son, first of all, you will lead a beautiful life but it will take a lot of effort becoz your nature can become a big hurdle. You have to leave this habit.", the dude said to which Jimin got serious and nodded. Wow, Jimin looks hot when he is serious. Aish shut up Y/n.
"About your love life, that is the same as your friend. You love someone really badly and want her but she will leave you soon and move away, you can't stop her becoz you think she hates you. But you did a mistake. Becoz she was in love with you and you wanted her, but you didn't take the step to confess.", and after hearing this dude Jimin's eyes were ready to pop out.
"What the... ahhhhhh why. Why me? Will I get her?", Jimin asked.
"Like I said I can't tell until I see her hand, but wait. What is this? You will have a big change coming in your life soon.", the dude said and Jimin moved back. Now was the of my Prince Charming. He showed his hand to the dude.
"Hmmm, simple and perfect, you are a shy guy and also a really popular one where ever you belong. Your life will be peaceful and just like the way you want but after a big event. Riches are in your fate. And u also love someone.", and I got sad after hearing it.
"Yes.", Taehyung said shyly.
"Son, she will become yours.", and now my soul left my body whereas Taehyung was extremely happy.
He moved back and the boys pushed me forward. Like I wasn't even in a mood now. And dude my lady is Auntie Enthabela not you, so I don't wanna do this but I had to.
"Hmmm, I have never seen such a hand.", he said.
"So is it good or bad?", I asked and all the boys focused on us.
"I-I have no words. I can't understand this hand.", he said and I got the idea he is a fraud my lady rocks.
"So this means we should leave.", I said but the dude stopped me and said,
"You don't belong here.", he said and my ears along with my eyes couldn't believe it. Like seriously Auntie Enthabela was RIGHT?
"What do you mean?", I asked.
"You belong somewhere else, like really far away.", the dude said and then Jimin said,
"What about her love life?"
"Well that's also complicated becoz there is something big that will happen to her in the upcoming days due to which her enemies will become her lovers and she will be with all of them.", the dude said.
"Wait are you saying I'm a slut?", I angrily asked.
"No girl, what I mean is that right now you have 3 guys in your heart and ooh I found who they are, do you want me to tell you their names.", he asked.
I quickly said 'No' but all 3 of them said 'Yes' but of course, this is my hand so the dude didn't tell.
"There is this one guy whom you love the most and want to be with him and if you get a choice among those 3 boys then you will choose him right.", the dude said.
"Yes.", I replied.
"Maybe you will end up with him but for that, you have to leave the rest of the lovers of yours.", he said.
"I can leave anyone for him.", I said confidently.
"Nah ah girl, it won't be easy. U will fall in love with all of them. It will be like choosing one organ over others.", he said which I didn't understand.
"Aish never mind we should be going now.", Jungkook said who was serious all this time.
We all got up and were ready to leave when this dude said,
"Be careful, your coming life will affect many lives.", he said and then we all left.

We sat inside the car and everyone remained silent.
"Hahaha guys what happened, why all of you are serious.", Taehyung said.
"Well you heard all the good news dude, you can be happy but we all heard weird ones.", Jimin said.
"Aish these all things are rubbish don't believe them.", Taehyung said.
"No, he wasn't wrong, he said the truth.", I said as I was lost in my thoughts.
"Aish forget it, we all are taking it too seriously.", Jungkook said and his happy mode was on again. They all started singing but I knew that whatever that dude said wasn't wrong and something big is about to happen.

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