Chapter LVI: Screeching Halt

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"TIME TO WAKE UP, LOVE!" James screeched as he pushed the door to her bedroom open. Remus growled in annoyance as he pulled Ronnie closer to him. Thankfully, the potion had helped with her headache quite a bit, but it didn't help the fact that she was extremely confused.

"James?" She said in a sleepy confused voice as she tried to sit up. Remus growled lowly though as he tried to pull her back into his chest.

"Come on, Moony!! Wakey wakey!!!" Sirius demanded as he popped inside and bent near the bed to put his face in front of them. Ronnie peered back at him, her brows pinched and eyes a bit bloodshot.

"Whe-when did you guys get here?" She asked in a slight stammer as she tried once more to get out of Remus' arms. He let her up as he looked at her with concern.

"What do you mean? The idiots got here yesterday at breakfast." Remus reminded her in a sleepy-husky voice.

"Rude." James hummed as he made himself a spot on the edge of the bed. "Did you really forget about us, Ronnie- love?"

"Maybe you. No offense, Prongs, but I'm unforgettable." Sirius said with a grin as he adjusted his button up shirt on his shoulders.

"I don't know, if Ronnie forgot you then maybe it's for the better." James pondered. Sirius shoved him, causing James to fall off the bed with a yelp of surprise before he glared up at him. Remus was ignoring them though, his hazy eyes set on Ronnie in concern.

"Knock it off you two." He growled as he pressed the back of his hand to Ronnie's forehead in concern.

"Are you sick, little fox?" Sirius asked as he watched his friend checking her temperature.

"No- I don't think so." She said, shaking her head.

"You're not warm." Remus muttered softly, his eyes examining her like he had a month ago. "But something isn't right.." But his concern was drowned out by an owl pecking at the window.

"Oh! Letters!" James said in a giddy excitement as he jumped up to get the window open. The barn owl swooped in, dropping four letters at James' feet before landing on Ronnie's desk and pecking at the plate of crackers she had left out.

"Letters..." Ronnie repeated quietly, her eyebrows still pinched from the moment that the two had burst into the room. Remus chewed on his cheek as he gazed at her.

"Hogwarts letters. Some heavy ones. Sixth years and all. Probably some prefects in the room." James looked to Remus accusingly before tossing the heavy envelope on his friends lap and then passing Ronnie one as well as Sirius.

Ronnie looked down at the envelope marked with her name in a neat green scrawl. Her stomach flipping in worry and panic. James had already ripped his letter open along with Sirius.

"I got five O's!" James exclaimed with a grin. "Transfiguration, Charms, Herbology, Divination and Muggle Studies." He explained as he read over the results.

"I only got O's in Charms, Defense and Muggle Studies. Can you believe that Minnie gave me an E in her exam?? I really thought we had something." Sirius hummed with a pout. Remus rolled his eyes at his friend.

"Minnie didn't grade us. There were Proctors, remember?" Remus explained.

"I know! But she probably had some kind of influence." Sirius grumbled as he looked up at Ronnie who was looking at her letter horrified. "Ronnie?" He questioned, his worry filling his stomach as he moved back towards the bed. James glanced up then and walked over quickly.

"What is it, love? What's wrong??" Sirius was the one to peer over at the results in her hands though.

Name: Veronica Jane Scamander
Gender: Female
House: Slytherin

Grading scale:
Exceeds Expectations


Potions: A
Charms: O
Herbology: D
Transfiguration: P
Care of Magical Creatures: O       Astrology: E
Defense Against the Dark Arts:  A
History of Magic:       E
     Muggle Study: O

"This can't be right..." Sirius mumbled as his dark eyes looked over the results of the OWLs. Remus peeked over before parting his lips.

"I can't see!" James huffed before getting closer and gasping in shock. "Three Os? That's it? But- that's not right. How did you get these results with how much you studied?" James asked in worry. Ronnie only shrugged her shoulders, tears burning the back of her eyes as she glared at the paper.

"This is wrong. You mopped the floor with Prongs in Transfiguration. There's no way this is right." Sirius mumbled, shaking his head.

"I don't even remember -" Ronnie shook her head, not understanding what was going on at the moment. Her cheeks staining with the tears that had forced their way free from her eyes. Remus pinched his fingers under her chin and brought her eyes to meet his.

"Don't remember what?" He asked in a serious tone, worry etched in his eyes.

"Taking the exams." She said simply. "I- I remember taking Charms and Potions. But after that -" She blinked a few times, trying to put the pieces together in her mind.

"You've been very forgetful all Summer." Remus pointed out. His face contorting with thought. "Your head has been hurting-"

"Headaches?" James asked, curiosity in his voice.

"Looks like Minnie is concerned." Sirius pointed out, holding up the letter that was added to Ronnie's grades.

Ms. Scamander
Please see me the moment you get settled into your dorm.
Minerva McGonagall

"Best to worry about it later. Maybe Minnie will know how to fix this." Sirius assured Ronnie with a small smile.

"We need to tell your parents about the headaches and memory lost though." Remus decided, his face held nothing but seriousness as Ronnie went to argue before sighing with a nod.

"Okay." She agreed sadly.


A/N: A handful of chapters :) I know it seems like a mess, but it'll make sense.


1. What do you think is happening?

2. Was the OWLs messed up?

3. Thoughts?

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