Chapter LIV: Summer Pt 3

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The month of July had been a change for Remus Lupin. Staying in America with Ronnie and her family was a change of pace from how his household had been when his mum was still alive. For one, holidays were different. July fourth was a huge deal in America, whereas in the UK, it wasn't.

So as Ronnie's family piled into the slanted and odd looking house, Remus felt the warmth of love and excitement for the day. It was a warm day outside, a nice day for a BBQ as Jacob announced as he came into the house with Queenie, Sarah and Arabella following behind him.

Newt magiced up a large above ground pool with a unicorn looking floaty in the water and a sprinkler floating and making it look even more exciting. The family part was another thing that Remus wasn't used to. Lyall, his father, had married a muggle - causing his family to pull away from them. Hope's, his mother, family didn't come around since they hadn't known about magic. So having so many people in the house and outside was crazy to him.

"Only the rugged one staying with you this time?" Sarah asked loudly as she greeted Ronnie with a smile. Remus had been called ruggedly handsome by several people now, but it still didn't stop the heat of a blush that flittered across his cheeks.

"James and Sirius are talking about coming by a week before school so we can go shopping together." Ronnie explained, hugging Arabella next.

"I think Sarah is mostly asking for that one quiet one, Avery, wasn't it?" Arabella asked with a quiet voice. She was the opposite of her sister, more on the quiet side and magical. She was just as mischievous though. Sarah through a narrowed look at her sister before throwing out a deep groan.

"I kneeeeew you read my diary!! You hinklump!" Sarah exclaimed in a long draw. Ronnie snorted, shaking her head as she weaved her arm into Remus', leaning her head against his shoulder softly. Arabella let out a soft gasp.

"I am not a hinklump, you Wyvern!" She snapped back. Her voice breaking a bit louder than normal and causing Ronnie to flinch a bit. Remus moved his arm from Ronnies arm before wrapping around her waist and pulling her into his side.

"Excuse us." He muttered politely before guiding Ronnie away from her arguing cousins. Once they had stepped back into the dining room with only a slight buzz of chatter coming from some relatives that Remus had yet to meet, he turned to her with concern etched on his face. "You're pale - Is it your head?" Ronnie sighed, rubbing her forehead in circles to try and lighten the throbbing in her head. It felt like her head was going to implode on itself at this rate.

"I'm fine - I just, I don't know." She muttered with a short shake of her head to avoid making it worse. Remus cupped her cheeks, guiding her gaze to meet his as his hazel eyes examined her face. Her complexion was flushed. Her hair standing out so much more against her pale skin. A bit of red flooding into her eyes with dark circles deepen under her eyes.

"Maybe you should get some more rest. I should see if your mom has some of her potions somewhere to help relieve your head." Remus ranted off, his thumb stroking over her cheek bone gently.

"I'm fine, Remi. It's just a little headache, that's all." She assured him with a small smile. Remus raised his brow at her with a slight purse of his lips.

"A headache you've had for a few weeks now. I have noticed that you flinch at bright lights and loud noises. You've been paler than normal as well. There's going to be fireworks tonight. You need some medicine." He told her, pulling out his mother hen vibes. He was a naturally caring person, taking after his mother more than his father in the need to make sure others are okay before himself.

Ronnie hummed before nodding at him. Her face leaning into his hold as he lowered his lips to press gently to her forehead sweetly.


"This should help you." Tina said in a soft voice as she handed Ronnie a purple looking potion. "Muggle medicine for headaches just takes way too long." She added with a sigh. Ronnie nodded, accepting the vile and swallowing the putrid tasting liquid. Feeling it burn down her throat and felt like it entered her nervous system from there. Shuttering after pulling the vile from her lips. "Not the most pleasant, I know."

"Should we be worried she's had a headache this long? It's literally been about a month." Remus said with nothing but concern written throughout his tone. Ronnie sent him a look, not enjoying being outed like that, but Remus ignored her, his eyes on Tina.

"It is a little odd for such a long headache, but she should be fine. Probably just stress of the OWLs or worrying over those friends of yours." She assured with a smile before taking the empty vile. "Let me know if it comes back." She said before leaving the two of them. Remus turned towards Ronnie, who was grumbling at him.

"Really, Remus? I'm fine. I don't know why you are so worried over a measly headache." She told him with a huff of air in anger. Remus sighed, moving to sit close to her on the chair in her room, his arm going over her should immediately.

"I'm allowed to worry over you. It's my job, ask Sirius and James, they'll tell you." Remus told her with a cute smile, trying to play into the innocent act. Ronnie rolled her eyes before leaning in and claiming a short kiss from him.

"Just doesn't seem right, you worrying over me. I'm an independent woman, you know." She pointed out. Remus chuckled, nodding his head.

"Yes, I know, Ronnie. I know you are." He agreed, leaning into her as he pulled her closer.


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