Chapter XLV: Stressed and Bratty

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The weeks of the new year went by pretty quickly. Sirius grumbling around about being singled out for the nose bleed prank. James grumbling about how Remus has been singled out as a favorite among them and Remus just humming along.

Ronnie flew threw classes, learning what she could before OWLs began. The week of needing to know everything was bearing down on the young girl. The boys taking turns in helping her study, the fairy necklace that James had given her helping slightly in the actual remember bit.

The day before the first testing, Ronnie was running ragged. Stress showing on her face.

"Ronnie?" She snapped her head up as she sat in the library during breakfast time, rereading her study guide for Herbology since that was the first test. Remus, James and Sirius were standing in front of her table and Barty, Avery and Rosier were walking up next to them. Peter popping up behind James before shoving his way to the front.

Ronnie was the picture of stressed teen. Her normally bouncy red curls were frizzy and a bit dull in color. Her normally light blue eyes had little to no spark in them and purple bags dug deep beneath them. She was in her uniform but it looked like it was the one she was wearing yesterday, on the count it had a small mark on the collar where she had dribbled syrup the day before.

"Ronnie, love... You need to come eat breakfast." Barty spoke up, moving to stand by her side. Ronnie ran her hand through her hair- well tried to. A sigh of frustration running out of her mouth.

"I almost have it. I can't get the growth process of the Tentacula." She muttered with a shake of her head. Barty looked up to silently ask for help from the others. Remus glanced to Avery before nodding in a silent conversation of their own.

"Come on, Ronnie." Avery muttered as he walked up to her and lifted her out of the chair. The girl gave a yelp as he threw her over his shoulder and began to carry her away from her studies. Remus following with them along with Barty, as Peter, Rosier, James and Sirius packed up her things.

"No! I have to study." Ronnie mumbled, squirming.

"Nope, we're cutting you off, love." Barty chimed, smiling at her anguished face as he walked behind them.

"But the tests start tomorrow!" Ronnie complained. Remus shook his head from next to her.

"The best thing you need right now, is to relax. Get some sleep, eat and forget about the stress for the day." He told her. Avery nodded under her weight.

"Get you some food first. Can't sleep on an empty stomach." Avery mumbled. Ronnie huffed loudly before letting her body go slack in Avery's arms. Her arms hanging loosely behind him. Barty let out a laugh at her dramatics as they made their way towards the kitchens.


After getting Ronnie to eat a balanced meal of fruits and oatmeal, which she grimaced at since it was so boring. Avery went to carry her back to the Slytherin common room only to be stopped by Remus.

"She can stay with us. If she doesn't have a babysitter then she might run off the library again." Remus pointed out. Barty snorted as Ronnie glared at Remus for throwing her under the bus.

"I don't need a babysitter." She huffed. Remus glanced down at her with a raised brow, urging her to argue with him. Instead though, Ronnie turns her head with another frustrated huff.

"Brat." Remus muttered with a tsk from his tongue, pulling her up from the kitchen floors. "We'll take care of her." He assured Avery and Barty before guiding her to walk with him.

"I'm not even tired." Ronnie mumbled as she stumbles in her step. Remus glanced down at her with a gentle smile, shaking his head.

"If you say so." He entertained as he pulled her to a portrait, muttering a password and dragging her with him. Ronnie frowned, confused.

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