Chapter VIII: Detention

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The moment Ronnie entered the Great Hall for the final minutes of Lunch, Barty came bounding towards her, grabbing her into his arms and hugging her tightly

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The moment Ronnie entered the Great Hall for the final minutes of Lunch, Barty came bounding towards her, grabbing her into his arms and hugging her tightly.

"I honestly thought you'd be on the train home after that!!" He cried. Ronnie sighed, wrapping her arms around him and hugging him back.

"Can't get rid of me that easily, Barty." She mumbled into his chest before he was pulled off of her and Avery stood there. He stepped forward to hug her, feeling odd about it and deciding against it, he patted her head softly.

"You need to eat before class. We have Herbology next." He told her. Ronnie nodded, walking with him to the Slytherin table. She was heading to the empty seat next to Rosier but stopped behind Regulus Black, who was listening to a greasy haired boy complain about something to do with potions.

"Regulus, right?" Ronnie questioned, gaining his attention instantly. Regulus turned in his seat slightly to face her. Grey eyes softening slightly at her appearance.

"What is it?" He questioned, coming off a bit harsh but his eyes said he didn't mean it. He reminded her of Avery a bit in that way.

"I just wanted to thank you. You didn't even know me and yet you stood up for me. So, thanks." Ronnie spoke clearly. Regulus seemed to relax a bit before his spine stiffened back up.

"I didn't do it for you. Can't let the Gryffindors deface any Slytherin." Regulus muttered, pulling his eyes off her and looking- glaring at his nearly empty plate. Ronnie placed a hand on his shoulder softly, causing him to stiffen up even more.

"Never the less, Thank you, Regulus. I hope I can repay the favor back to you one day." With that said, Ronnie pulled her hand off him and moved to sit next to Rosier who was chatting with Mulciber and Lucius while stroking the fur of Mori the kneazle.

"Ronnie! We were just talking about you!" Rosier exclaimed happily, his attitude had seemed to make a one eighty since seeing all of the animals she had.

"We were placing bets on what old Dumbledore was going to do to you." Mulciber chimed up as Barty and Avery came and sat down. This time, Barty was fixing a teriyaki Chicken sandwich and placing it in front of Ronnie, who thanked him with a smile.

"I said that you'd be banished. Gryffindors are idolized by that old man." Lucius muttered in digust, poking his roast beef sandwich which seemed to jiggle a bit.

"No one else thought that but you, Luci." Barty glared at the blonde boy. "I realy was afraid you'd be expelled." He looked at Ronnie sad, a bit of fear in his eyes.

"I'm not planning on going anywhere, Barty. Not until graduation, and then I'm thinking France...or Canada. Maybe see some Quidditch matches." Ronnie assured him as she ate her sandwich.

"Mulciber was thinking you'd curse Dumbledores toes away!" Rosier laughed.

"I did not!! I said she should. I would if I knew a spell like that!" Mulciber glared at Rosier, tossing a fry at him "Is it an American thing?"

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