Chapter 14: The End to the Beginning

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(M/n) woke up abruptly as he was shooken awake. He turned to see Niki by his side.

"Come, they have news of Tommy." She whispered as the taller nodded and stood up stretching before making his way out of the bunker.

There he was met with both teams, Dream SMP and L'manburgians. They both stood there as Tommy was smiling happily all while the rest, especially Wibkur was shocked.

(M/n)'s ears twitched as he picked up the conversation they held.

"What do you mean you gave him your discs?" Wilbur said in confusion as Tommy just laughed.

"For our independence, I gave him my discs to let us expand and rebuild our L'manberg." Smiled Tommy happily. Everyone cheered as (M/n)'s eyes brightened for a second before dulling back. 

"MY RIGHT-HAND MAN, TOMMYINNIT! What the- You- Get over here!" Wilbur shouted as he hugged Tommy tightly with so much joy and passion. 

"Get- Get over- You have the Declaration of Independence, yea??" Wilbur said as Tommy nodded giving Wilbur the book that all L'manbergians wrote and signed.

"We are rewriting our Declaration of Independence." But before Wilbur could continue, Tommy disagreed. 

"and have Eret's name still in there? No he's a traitor." He said glaring at Eret how looked away. (M/n) only felt pity as the Dream Smp stood there staring at the L'manbergians with distaste.

"Dream, we may have had our differences, but I think I can- I think I can learn to live side by side with you on this land. Eret, though. However, Eret can go fuck himself, I want nothing to do with that guy."  Sneered Wilbur as this only made Eret hide in shame of the fact no one on the team liked him, he only had (M/n).

Eret stared at the tall male as they both locked eyes. One held the emotion of hurt and the other held pity.

He needs to talk to him.

"Dream, I will live amongst you as equals. Both rulers of our land." Wilbur spoke loudly as he wrote inside the booklet as the others listened.

"I will consider you a constituent of my land." Mocked Dream as Tommy narrowed his eyes.

"the fuck does that mean-"

"Never the less, As we gaze upon the swaths of redwood trees. The great hills to our south and the walls that have protected for years. I, as the now President L'Manberg hereby state



Everyone laughed as this didn’t sit well to Dream and his crew as hatred and bitterness spread across the team.

"Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Freedom" Wilbur finished stating as he passed around the book for the L'manbergians to sign.

Before it was passed down to (M/n), Wilbur snatched it out of his hands. Glaring at him.

This caused the tension to rise as the rest of the L'manbergians looked away from both their new president and their 'War Machine'. Dream's eyes widened at the interaction.

"As the new founded president of L'manburg, I had made- no we​​​ came to an agreement." Wilbur said slowly as (M/n) narrowed his eyes.

"And that is..." The taller bluntly spoke as his eyes glared at Wilbur which caused him shake a bit but took his stand.

"As the president, (M/n), is no longer part of L'manburg. He is an outsider, an enemy to our country."

Once those words were out, everything went silent as the air turned icy and tense. (M/n) had an unrivaled anger growing from him.

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