├Chapter 7: Confronting the Enemy┤

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Eret P.O.V

I sighed to myself as I sat on the lush green grass.

It was the middle of the night of course. I had finished gathering some materials for my... 'project'

I ran my fingers through the grass, feeling it tickle my palm for a second. I smiled softly, yet... regret began to flash in my eyes. I didn't want to do this yet...

'Am I making the right decision?'

I sighed as I began standing up only to feel the cold metal of an axe near my neck.

I inhaled sharply as I began to tremble.

This can't be Dream, right? Was he impatient already!?! I swore I told him it would take less than a week.

"Dream I-"

"I'm not Dream, Eret..."

I stiffened at the voice. It was (M/n), but what was he doing this late?

I turned my head slowly, glancing up at him as he towered me. He rose an eyebrow as he lowered his netherite axe. I sighed in relief as I rubbed my neck in comfort.

"Have a seat, I would like to talk." He said, yet the coldness that his tone held caused me to automatically obey his request. As I sat down, I tried to calm myself to make it look less suspicious-

"I know what you've been planning."

My breathing hitched up as I stared at (M/n) in horror. H-how can he have known my project!?! I thought I was sneaking well enough, to the point they would never notice.

Sure there were times where I might've slipped up, but I never suspected (M/n) to be the one that found me out. It would've been Wilbur or Tommy, yet never (M/n).

"H-how... how did you know!?" I shouted as I went for my sword, yet realized that I left it back at the base. (M/n) perked an eyebrow as he glanced at me blankly, his faces carried an empty expression.

"You've kept sneaking out at night, you would think I haven't notice?" He said, as he stared at me for any reaction. I just tensed up as I fiddled with the ends of my coat.

"I do-don't know what you're talking about-!" I was then pulled by (M/n)'s tail as he pulled me closer, face to face, our lips almost meeting.

It was too close. I felt my bi-self quiver inside me.

God damn...

"You've been sneaking out just to gather materials... I noticed you've been getting red stone, pistons, and other mechanical items. I know you plan to set a trap and kill us off." (M/n) growled lowly.

You wouldn't believe me when I told you that I found this rather attractive. My stupid gay self is showing up, yet I'm not complaining.

"y-you know?" I whimpered out as I began thinking of the punishments that Dream will give me. He might as well kill me off for this mistake.

"Please don't tell them..." I muttered as I saw a him smirk sadistically as he laughed, letting me go out of his grasp.

"And why would I tell them?" He said as he tilted his head slightly. I was shocked when he said this.

"You're part of L'manburg!? They'll kill you if they found out that-"

"So what?" He shrugged as he laid down on the grass. I was confused, what does he mean 'so what?'

"I don't really care, I was never really on their side." (M/n) admitted as he placed his arms over his head, most likely tired.

"A-are you a traitor?" I questioned in full shock. Has he been working with Dream all along? Did we really greet a traitor and told him our plans!?

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