¿Chapter 11: A way out...?

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The sounds of locks, redstone, and levers turning at the sudden push of the button. The noises crept along the inside of the obsidian walls. 

Pressure plats opening tunnel ways within the walls, as the bunker shook. Each open part of the tunnels had contained each Dream Team member.

Standing. Weapons at the ready as they all rushed out.

It was too quick. 

Screams. Blood. Everywhere.

I felt the sword pierce into my arm, the warmth of blood dripping. Streams of blood crept to the middle of the room forming a huge pond of it. 

A mix of every person in this room.

They left the moment each one of us hit the floor.

"This should show them."

Everything was silent. Except the sobbing and screams for help.

Niki was holding onto her stomach, blood gushing out. Her face deathly pale. Eyes widened as her usually lit eyes were now completely dull.

Jack's arms twisted in a way no human should be seen as. The bone of his elbow popping out of the skin forcefully. Eyes rolled to the back as he was completely out cold.

Fundy whimpering in the corner, cradling his tail as huge slashes were seen. His arm bloody from a deep wound that was caused by a sword, yet his arm slightly going green at the passing second. It seemed that the sword was covered in poison.

Tommy, bleeding from his leg, accidentally popping a joint as he had shards of Obsidian impaled into his small body. Due to being thrown around against the walls and ground.

Wilbur knocked out, his face entirely fucked. His head bleeding, knowing fully well his head was banged up against the floor causing a small fracture to the skull.

All I did was stare, my sweat running cold. 

'How...- why'

I knew well I was in a much worse condition but I could care less, I've got to help them.

Even if it kills me.

I rushed towards Fundy first.

Grabbing his arm gently as to not force the poison more into his body.

Opening my satchel, I was able to pull a couple of syringes.

One red; healing 

The other orange; the antidote

"It hurts... I d-don't want to die." Whimpered Fundy as he began to slowly close his eyes.

I quickly injected him with the syringes as I see his hand quickly turning back to its original color. 

I quickly grabbed a vial of healing and poured it onto his wounds after quickly cleaning off the blood with a rag I had. Quickly wrapping the bandages around his tail and arm, I quickly moved to Niki.

She was bleeding too much, a huge pool of blood was around her. She was breathing harshly as her small figure was trembling violently.

"Niki. It's okay. Calm down."

Once I said this, I added pressure onto her wound as she whimpered out in pain. I injected her with another vial which made her rather tired as she knocked out.

To this I quickly injected her with a couple of healing potions, with different levels of intensity.

After being able to stop the blood overflowing I began to use the string I had, to stitch up the huge wound in her stomach.

I hate this.. {The Dream SMP x Male Reader}Where stories live. Discover now