✗Chapter 8: Preparations...✗

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MommaBird is the creator of this awesome fanart!!!   [Above]

Check them out please!! They've done such a great job on this fanart of (M/n)!!! I'm kind of jealous at their art skills but so overwhelmed that they did this art of (M/n)!!! If any of you decide to do fanart, please tell me so I can show the people your fanarts!!!

You may draw whatever design you feel that (M/n) represents or in any scene he is in!! Do whatever your heart desires and don't forget to sign your name/initials so people don't think That I did this! I don't want to take credit from future artists. 

Also someone PLEASE do a meme with (M/n) or some of the Dream Smp characters in this story, I beg of you.

Thank you again MommaBird for the art!! :D

---𝟹𝚛𝚍 𝙿𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝙿.𝙾.𝚅---

The smell of breakfast filled the morning air, the L'manburgians perked their head up as they sniffed the air around them.

They were outside training, early morning. They all ran inside, not even bothering cleaning the dirt and grim off of them. As they made it to the kitchen, they spotted (M/n) making French Toast, Tubbo and Eret helping him.

"YOOOO, This smells good!!" Tommy shouted as he sat down, the others following him.

Tubbo and Eret began to pass the plates that were filled with French Toast and fresh fruits. Once (M/n) finished plating, he began to serve the cups of coffee around the table.

Everyone muttered their 'thank you' before gobbling down the food.

"Wow! (M/n) I never knew you can cook!" Niki said with a smile, not realizing that (M/n) looked at her, offended

"Bruh." (M/n) muttered in a monotoned voice, ad it made Wilbur and Tommy perk up at the catch phrase.

"Anyways, what will we be doing today?" Muffled Jack, as he talked with his mouth full.

"Hmmm well we have to continue our training and then have someone collect some materials for preparations." Stated Wilbur as he slurped up the coffee. 

(M/n) ate quietly as he stared at Eret who munched on the food with eagerness. Powdered sugar on his face which caused (M/n) to chuckle as he grabbed a napkin.

Coming closer to his face, (M/n) wiped the powder off of Eret's face as he turned red at the touch. (M/n) smiled softly as he set the dirtied napkin down. 

Grabbing his fork, Eret grabbed a piece of French Toast and brought it close to (M/n)'s mouth who tilted in confusion.

"Say Ah~" Motioned Eret as he too opened his mouth, indicating that (M/n) should do the same.

"Ah~" (M/n) opened his mouth, showing his sharp canines. With that, Eret shoved the food in his mouth, as (M/n) munched on it, his tail wagging slightly. Eret smiled softly as he scratched (M/n)'s ears.

As they had their small moment, the table turned silent as they stared at the two males who were enjoying each others' presence. 



Once breakfast was done, they all went to work.

As Wilbur had planned;

Fundy cleaning the base [boring P.O.V]

Niki was to train her combat skills; she lacks physical training [Rude Ass Hat]

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