chapter 103

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My eyes were as wide as they could get, shaking in their sockets. The guy stood behind me with his gun pointed against my helmet. It was pure silence the only sound that could be heard was the sound on the ocean and the seagulls squeaking in the background. I did not know what to do

"drop the gun and put your hands where i can see them" i heard a deep husky voice reminding me of what was happening.

In an instant i swung my leg and attempted to knock the guy off his feet but, it seemed like he knew i was going to do that as he stood to a side. Pressing the button on the side of my gun to alert the others about my situation i was about to get up when i felt an arm tighten around my neck pulling me down
"seokmin what the fuck are you doing?" i yelled angrily as i tried to get out of his strong hold on me
"sorry jeonghan hyung" he whispered to me as he continued holding me tighter but not too tight that i could not breathe, just tight enough that i could not escape

"well well well what do we have here" the deep voice laughed as he took a strong hold on the chin of my helmet

"uhh get your hands off of me you filthy creature" i screeched as i shook my head side to side trying to remove his hand of me

"feisty little one aren't you?" he spoke letting out a deep chuckle that sent shivers down my spine

"let me go and i promise not to hurt you" I sneered gritting my teeth, cursing seokmin for his strong grip.
Feeling betrayed and not really knowing what to do I decided to just stop resisting and just see what they were going to do

"and what make you think that i will believe you?" the voice behind me as i tried to get a better look of the man. The guy had similar clothing to me, except he was not wearing a helmet but instead wore a black bandana. I could see his pitch black orbs piercing into my skull, it looked as if he was trying to intimidate me but because of the helmet he couldn't see the fear in my eyes and how badly i wished for him to look away, even for a second. I guess the helmet was making him mad as he could not tell who i was and what i was plotting, so he decided to try and remove it off of me. Feeling his tight clutch on my helmet I started to squirm around but he held a tight hold of my head and tried pulling it off, when we saw two bullets fly past us catching the two off guard. Letting out a shaky breath of relief i watched the sweat droplets drop onto my shirt, that clung onto my body like a second skin

"HYUNG RUN" as soon as i had heard their voices i shoved the guy, towering over me and ran towards the others

"your outnumbered" i yelled as i stood next to them. The guy rolled his eyes, scoffing before he grabbed seokmin and jumped into the water, shocking us all

"what the flip are they doing?" mingyu gasped as he ran to the edge with us behind him

"fuck it was a trap, they knew we were coming so they came prepared" i yelled angrily as we both watched what looked like a submarine emerge out of the sea and into the distance.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29 ⏰

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