Chapter 26

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Joshua's POV

I sighed as I placed the letter on my desk once everyone had left the classroom. School was over and I was heading home by myself it was really boring and quiet so i decided to put some earphones in and listen to some mic drop by BTS and i felt really peaceful and calm just by listening to their voices I was nearly home and was just about to turn the corner when someone randomly jumped onto me scaring me and almost giving me a heart attack
"Hey jisoo! Haha you should have seen your face" The person said laughing loudly. I looked it was jeonghan he was laughing and clutching his stomach and his brown hair was flying everywhere as the wind was passing through it. He looked ethereal.
"Haha very funny" I said sarcastically rolling my eyes as I could of died from the heart attack he gave me.
"Haha I'm very sorryyyy I just wanted to tell you that me and my friends were gonna head to the amusement tomorrow and I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come?" Jeonghan said looking at me with almost hopeful eyes
"Umm I don't think u should come I mean I don't think your friends like me" I answered rubbing the back of my neck and looking at the floor
"Nooo jisoo my friends don't hate you they just don't know you that much maybe if we spend more time together they may start to like you" jeonghan said eagerly
"Fine I'll think about it" I said giving in
"Yasss" he said smiling and hugging me
"Umm ok then" I said awkwardly but hugged him back and I'm not gonna lie hugging him felt really nice he felt like a teddy bear. Soon he pulled away and gave me a big smile and I felt like I was hypnotised and started to smile too. We were both just staring at each other and smiling like weirdos I swear if anyone walks past us right now they'll probably think that there is something wrong with us. As if on cue someone chucked a skittle at jeonghan and it snapped us both into reality and we both looked in the direct of where it came from and we saw wonwoo holding a packet of skittles standing there with his boyfriend who's name I do not know. They were just giving us weird looks.
"You guys are such weirdos" wonwoo said throwing another skittle but in my direction this time
"Hey no we are not" jeonghan argued
"Yeah right you guys were literally just staring at each other for a very long time and me and wonwoo tried calling you guys but you guys were just in your own world" wonwoos boyfriend said teasing us and chuckling a bit
"Oh shush mingyu" jeonghan said glaring at wonwoos boyfriend. Finally I know his name it's mingyu.
"Ok anyways what are you guys doing here and what do you want?" I said to them
"What do we want? We were just walking to the park when we see you guys blocking our way we told you to move out the way but like mingyu said you were in your own little world" wonwoo said smacking me on the back of my head.
"Hey I'm older than you" I whined
"Well you don't act like you are" wonwoo muttered
"Oh this is weird" mingyu said laughing making jeonghan laugh too.
"Ok we're gonna go now" I said grabbing jeonghans hand and pulling him away
"Ok byeee" jeonghan said waving as I drag him away they just waved and walked away.
"That was strange" jeonghan said chucking
"Yeah it was" I agreed
"So you coming tomorrow?" Jeonghan said with Twinkling eyes looking hopefully at me making sure if I was coming or not
"Yeah why not" I said smiling
"Yay it's gonna be so fun jisoo" jeonghan said jumping up and down
"I'm sure it will ok anyways i gotta go now byee" I said waving at him as we had made it to my place
"Bye jisoo" jeonghan said pecking my cheek and walking towards his house. I'm kinda excited and scared for tomorrow.

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