Chapter 25

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To the mysterious angel person

Heyy how's life? I'm fine thank you for asking. Yeah I'm feeling better. To be honest I don't know how you can understand me so much even. Its like you can read my mind. Anyways I was feeling sick yesterday but it wasn't because I had a fever or anything it was because I had been beaten up the day before and the last thing I remembered was a glass bottle being chucked at my head and then I passed out when I woke up my head was hurting so bad so I decided to just not go school and yeah. I don't know why I just told you that but yeah I feel like I can trust you and can tell you anything another thing is that I know that you won't tell anyone. Ummmm anyways I gotta go now the teacher is giving me the eyes so yeah. Thanks for sending me letters. I appreciate it. You should know that you are now one of the people I love.

Your sincerely

i know i love youHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin